Improving health, step by step: physical activity for severe mental illness in the Netherlands

By Jeroen Deenik @jdeenik, MSc   At GGz Centraal, the centre for mental healthcare with different clinics in the middle of the Netherlands, we have two psychiatric hospitals where people with severe mental illness can stay for a longer period of time. The majority of patients are diagnosed with schizophrenia or related psychotic disorders, while others […]

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One road to Rome: Exercise

By Dr Nicky Keay (@nickykfitness) Metabolic syndrome comprises a cluster of symptoms including: hypertension, dyslipidaemia, fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The underlying pathological process is insulin resistance which distorts metabolism. Temporal and mechanistic connections have been described between hyperinsulinaemia, obesity and insulin resistance. Insulin levels rise, potentially stimulated by an excess intake of refined […]

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Exercise and fitness in young people – what factors contribute to long term health?

Part-2 of the blog mini-series on youth By Dr Nicky Keay Recent reports reveal that children in Britain are amongst the least active in the world. At the other end of the spectrum there have been a cluster of articles outlining the pitfalls of early specialisation in a single sport. Regarding the reports of lack of physical activity amongst young people […]

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For the “Body Matters” MOOC (McGill University, Prof Ian Shrier): Exercise is medicine, for the body and the brain by Nagamatsu and colleagues.

Each week over 23,001 folks are learning about the power of exercise via a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Generously, BJSM helps out Professor Ian Shrier by answering one question each week on this blog. Prof Shrier just has to answer the other 23,ooo students’ questions. This week’s question is: “What are the effects of […]

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IOC partnership: Children and Sport BJSM theme issue

This issue of BJSM – one of the 16 annually – focuses on keeping young people healthy. Many readers are not aware that the IOC and BJSM partner to produce 4 issues of the BJSM annually. These issues focus on the IOC mission of ‘Athlete Protection and Health Promotion’. The special issues, generally appearing in […]

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Achoooooo! Exercise in the cold season.

Yes, it’s the sound of a sneeze. This month BBC news health reporter, Michelle Roberts wrote a feature on the  BJSM article titled,  Upper respiratory tract infection is reduced in physically fit and active adults. David Nieman at the Human Performance Laboratory in North Carolina shows that exercise can prevent a cold. Their study on more than 1000 adults was […]

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Does stretching reduce injury?

Stretching, or not, has been a controversial issue. This month’s BJSM helps to unravel (or add to) this puzzle. In an entirely web-based study (that gained awareness through media coverage), 2377 physically active adults were recruited in an effort to determine whether stretching modifies injury risk and soreness. The verdict? In the short-medium term stretching reduces the risk […]

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