New 4th edition: Oxford Textbook of Children’s Sport and Exercise Medicine

Authors: Neil Armstrong and Willem van Mechelen We are pleased to highlight the newly published 4th edition of the Oxford Textbook of Children’s Sport and Exercise Medicine, and to share some key clinical messages. In 1999, realising that there was likely to be a huge surge in interest in youth sport and exercise medicine and […]

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Cardiorespiratory fitness in youth and site-specific cancers later in life

In this blog post, we will provide an overview of a recently published study and explain how we leveraged unique data available from the Swedish military conscription register to deepen our understanding of the associations between cardiorespiratory fitness in youth and site-specific cancers in men (1).  Why is this study important? Cardiorespiratory fitness has well-established […]

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Return to Learn (RTL) and Return to Sport (RTS) Protocols for Youth Athletes and Our Proposed Coordinated Return Protocol

  By Steven Horwitz, D.C.  @DrHorwitz, Nash Anderson, D.C. @Sportmednews and Randy Naidoo M.D. @RandyNaidoo Concussions have become the noteworthy safety issue in sports today. Between “1.1 and 1.9 million sports and recreation related concussions occur annually in US children aged ≤18 years”1. With this notoriety comes an unfortunate melange of terms and care standards.2  The term […]

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Anterior Cruciate Ligament injuries in children and adolescents –a rare occurrence?

By Louise Shaw  Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury, particularly in youths, has been the focus of recent media attention and parental concern in Australia 1 2. This is not surprising given that ACL injury causes significant discomfort and disability, and may also result in reduced levels of physical activity and contribute to obesity 3. ACL […]

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Food for thought: Levelling the playing field for Academy nutritionists in English youth soccer

By Mark Russell (@drmarkru55ell) In an attempt ‘to create a world leading Academy system that serves to provide more and better home grown players,’ the English Premier League initiated the Elite Player Performance Plan (EPPP) in 2012[1,2]. Accordingly, the amount of coaching received by players rose from 3-12 to 4-16 h·player-1·week-1 when progressing from under […]

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Exercise oncology part 2/3: Let’s put it into practice!

Swiss Junior Doctors and Undergraduate Perspective on Sport and Exercise Medicine Blog Series By Anne Cornevin @anne_cornevin and Justin Carrard @Carrard.Justin The first part of this series reviewed the scientific evidence to prescribe exercise in order to prevent and treat cancers [read it HERE]. This second part “gives”  the floor to a family, whose daughter was […]

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Young people: Neuromuscular skills for Sport Performance

 Part-3 (of 3) of the blog mini-series on youth Dr Nicky Keay nickykeay Many publications report concerns over low exercise levels in young people. At the other end of the spectrum there are potential pitfalls to be avoided for young athletes. Some aspects have been discussed in my previous blogs: health and fitness in young people and optimising health and […]

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Exercise and fitness in young people – what factors contribute to long term health?

Part-2 of the blog mini-series on youth By Dr Nicky Keay Recent reports reveal that children in Britain are amongst the least active in the world. At the other end of the spectrum there have been a cluster of articles outlining the pitfalls of early specialisation in a single sport. Regarding the reports of lack of physical activity amongst young people […]

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Optimising Health, Fitness and Sports Performance for young people

Part-1 of the blog mini-series on youth By Dr Nicky Keay Young people need information in order to make life decisions on their health, fitness and sport training with the support of their families, teachers and coaches. As discussed in my previous blog anima sana in corpore sano, exercise has a positive effect on all aspects of […]

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Are we destroying junior talent? 25% reinjury rate among children who have ACL reconstructions!

By Lars Engebretsen The number of ACL injuries in children is rising.  Many of us see this daily in our clinics, however, each one of us have just a few–perhaps 10-20 a year.  These are active children. In my country, Norway, the majority of these children are injured while skiing. On other continents, other sports dominate. […]

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