Pedal power: The health benefits of cycling outweigh the risks (by far)

The Physical Activity and Population Health BJSM Blog Series By Sonia Cheng @soniawmcheng The Tour de France. Lycra. Fending off swooping magpies during the Australian springtime. Cycling is perhaps the most iconic type of physical activity of them all, and as a mode of transport, has been proposed as a potential solution to the global pandemic of […]

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“Do the associations of sedentary behaviour with cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality differ by physical activity level? A systematic review and harmonised meta-analysis of data from 850,060 participants” – What it all means

The Physical Activity and Population Health BJSM Blog Series  By Sonia Cheng @soniawmcheng Standing desks! Walking meetings! With phrases like “Sitting is the new smoking” making headlines in the media and almost 40% of Australian newspaper stories about sedentary behaviour suggesting that the benefits of physical activity (PA) are negated by too much sitting1, I […]

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The association of light intensity physical activity (LIPA) with adult cardiometabolic health and mortality by Chastin and colleagues (Letter to the Editor)

Letter in response to BJSM Open Access Review: Chastin SFM, Craemer M de, Cocker K de, et al. How does light-intensity physical activity associate with adult cardiometabolic health and mortality? Systematic review with meta-analysis of experimental and observational studies. Br J Sports Med 2018.  Dear Editor, We read the recent systematic review with meta-analysis on the association […]

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The World Health Organisation releases ‘More people active for a healthier world’: a global action plan on physical activity

The Physical Activity and Population Health BJSM Blog Series  Bridget C Foley @bridgetcfly and Andrew Murray @Docandrewmurray Did you leave the house this morning wondering how you could get more people and populations more physically active? If so, then you have landed in the right place. The World Health Organisation has just released their Global Action Plan […]

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Take a walk on the wild side: A four million year old strategy for better health

The Physical Activity and Population Health BJSM Blog Series  By Sonia Cheng @soniawmcheng No, this isn’t a blog tribute to Lou Reed. Instead, we are honouring the special issue of BJSM this June, which marks the 21stanniversary of the publication of the review Walking to Health by Morris and Hardman. This seminal paper began to […]

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How sure are we that physical activity makes us live longer?

The Physical Activity and Population Health BJSM Blog Series By Sonia Cheng @soniawmcheng The health benefits of regular exercise and a physically active lifestyle are indisputable – it plays a key role in improving cardiorespiratory fitness, maintaining physical function, and correcting biological risk factors such as hypertension and high cholesterol. But whether exercise also lengthens the […]

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Better than the little blue pill? How physical activity can improve a man’s sex life!

The Physical Activity and Population Health BJSM Blog Series By Sonia Cheng @soniawmcheng Gentlemen, if there was ever a reason to meet the physical activity guidelines, this is it. A systematic review and meta-analysis published in BJSM this year has suggested that physical activity interventions, particularly moderate-vigorous intensity aerobic activity, can improve erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is […]

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‘The effect of physical activity on mortality and cardiovascular disease in 130 000 people from 17 countries: the PURE study’ – What it all means

The Physical Activity and Population Health BJSM Blog Series #bjsmPApopBlog By Sonia Cheng @soniawmcheng “Vacuuming and scrubbing the floor are enough exercise to protect the heart and extend life!” “Household chores could save your life: The tiny amounts of physical activity from cleaning the floor and tidying up cut your risk of death by 28%!” You may […]

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Widerstandstraining – ein oft vernachlässigtes Medikament das jeder in seiner Hausapotheke hat

von Dr.Yorgi Mavros @dryorgimavros The Physical Activity and Population Health BJSM Blog Series #bjsmPApopBlog For the English version of this post, click here. Je älter wir werden, desto mehr verlieren wir an Muskelmasse, nämlich rund 1% pro Jahr. Noch schlimmer allerdings ist der Kraftabbau, der noch etwa dreimal schneller vonstatten geht1. Die Konsequenzen dieses Kraftverlustes sind […]

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Resistance training – an underutilised drug available in everybody’s medicine cabinet

By Dr Yorgi Mavros @dryorgimavros The Physical Activity and Population Health BJSM Blog Series #bjsmPApopBlog As we get older we begin to lose muscle mass, approximately 1% every year. But more importantly, the decline in muscle strength declines at a rate 3-times greater [1]. The consequences of this decline in strength are significant, with lower muscle […]

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