Three blind mice: 2017 SASMA Conference from the eyes of three medical students (PART 2)

By Kyle A. Winik, Lisa Erasmus and Robyn Paulse The SASMA conference is a biennial event and the latest instalment – the 17th of its kind – was held in Cape Town. This year’s theme was “Integrate-Accelerate Elevate”. As medical students attending our first conference, we were made to feel extremely welcome and we highly recommend all […]

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Blood, Sweat and Fears: Women in Sport and Exercise Conference 2018

  By Dr Jacky Forsyth @JackyForsyth @WiseConf18 Research on women and how a woman’s body responds to exercise lags far behind the research carried out on men. For instance, there is limited research on how variations in hormones can affect sports performance [1], and females are significantly under-represented in research in sports and exercise medicine […]

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Part 2: Health, Hormones and Human Performance take centre stage

  By Dr Nicky Keay @nickyKfitness, Chair of BASEM Spring Conference 2018 Endocrine and Metabolic aspects of Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEM) are crucial determinants of health and human performance, from the reluctant exerciser through to the elite athlete and the professional dancer. This is what the recent BASEM spring conference set out to demonstrate. The audience […]

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Does body weight matter when it comes to the patellofemoral joint?

  By Harvi F. Hart, PhD, @harvihart; and Kay M. Crossley, PT, PhD,@kaymcrossley As a society, we know that excess body weight is not good for our health. It increases the risk of an array of physical and mental health conditions such as hypertension, type II diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, osteoarthritis, depression, and anxiety. […]

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Return to Learn (RTL) and Return to Sport (RTS) Protocols for Youth Athletes and Our Proposed Coordinated Return Protocol

  By Steven Horwitz, D.C.  @DrHorwitz, Nash Anderson, D.C. @Sportmednews and Randy Naidoo M.D. @RandyNaidoo Concussions have become the noteworthy safety issue in sports today. Between “1.1 and 1.9 million sports and recreation related concussions occur annually in US children aged ≤18 years”1. With this notoriety comes an unfortunate melange of terms and care standards.2  The term […]

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Call for Drs Bermon and Garnier to share anonymised underlying performance data

(This version of the blog was copyedited for clarity and to add an explanatory note below on May 22nd and June 1st by Editor Karim Khan. Previous versions available). We respectfully ask Drs Bermon and Garnier (2017, hereafter BG17) to share the underlying athletes’ performance data summarised in their British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM) study.[1] […]

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No longer arthroscopy for degenerative knee disease? Potential benefits from a novel technique should not be ignored

Letter in response to BJSM Article: Arthroscopic surgery for degenerative knee arthritis and meniscal tears: a clinical practice guideline   Dear Editor, It was with great interest that we read the republished guideline1 entitled “Arthroscopic surgery for degenerative knee arthritis and meniscal tears: a clinical practice guideline.” Based on the findings from previous studies, the […]

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Part 1: Key messages from the 2018 BASEM Spring Conference

By Tej Pandya “RED-S is a complex, multifactorial syndrome that it is often missed” This was the key message from the 2018 BASEM Conference – the largest attendance for the spring meeting since its inception.  We were treated to a wide variety of SEM practitioners (with equal split between male and female presenters) who collectively […]

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Does the Nordic hamstring exercise prevent hamstring injury?

By Ashokan Arumugam1, Kavitha Vishal2   1Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation – Physiotherapy Section, Umeå University, SE-901 87, Umeå, Sweden 2Department of Physiotherapy, School of Allied Health Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Karnataka, India   PEDro synthesis on the following paper: “Al Attar WSA, Soomro N, Sinclair PJ, et al. Effect of injury prevention programs […]

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