The Podcast World Cup: The cream of the BJSM Podcasts…. Semi-final line-up!

By Paul Blazey @blazey85

The quarter-final deadline has slammed shut and we have a theme growing amongst our podcast listeners. I suspect it may have something to do with England exiting the World Cup at the semi-final stage but over the week our podcasts on ‘pain management’ seem to have been doing rather well.

Here are the results of the past few days….

Match 1:

Dr Kieran O’Sullivan discussing the management of back pain, already streets ahead in overall listens trumped our illustrious editor in chief Karim Khan talking on the importance of understanding ‘Mechanotherapy’.

Match 2:

A close call, both podcasts attracted attention with Dr Sarah Hallberg providing insight on the role of insulin as a fat storing hormone. However, Dr Alison Grimaldi’s practical discussion on the management of lateral hip pain proved too strong after extra-time. Taking her through to the semi-final.

Match 3:

Professor Lorimer Moseley’s‘Am I safe to move?’ proved to be the top performer of all the quarter finalists outscoring the wildly popular discussion with Professor Peter O’Sullivan on Tiger Woods back pain and the application of core stability.

Match 4:

Sticking with the ‘pain’ theme Match 4 also went the way of Professor Moseley, providing a shower of neuroscience for listeners! Downing his rivalGuustaaf Reurink as he reviewed research into the diagnosis and management of acute hamstring injuries.

The semi-final line-up(winners will be decided upon most listens between to 13 th– 16thJuly 2018).

Semi Final 1:

A clash of the heavyweights……

Dr Keiran O’Sullivan and his practical tips for managing low back pain listen here


Dr Alison Grimaldi and her physiotherapy tips for the treatment of lateral hip pain – listen here

Semi Final 2:

I think it’s safe to safe we will have a Professor Moseley pod in the final…..

Professor Lorimer Moseley looks at new pain science – in ‘Am I safe to move?’ – listen here


Professor Lorimer Moseley discussing the effects of the brain and mind on chronic pain – listen here

Monday 16thJuly at 11:59pm (GMT) is our next deadline to decide upon our finalists. If youhave a preferred winner, please encourage colleagues and others to click on the links provided and enjoy some continued professional development.

We would love to hear if any of our other podcasts have improved your practice or just general comments and feedback. If so, please tweet us @BJSM_BMJ or use the hashtag #bjsmpodworldcup.

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