The Podcast World Cup: the cream of the BJSM Podcasts…. And then there were two!

By Paul Blazey @blazey85

Following on from a French victory in the football world cup, we are at the sharp end of the real competition: the BJSM podcast world cup.

The results so far…

Semi Final 1:

Dr Keiran O’Sullivan and practical tips for managing low back pain previously held a significant lead over all our podcasts, he entered the semi-finals as a favourite. However, following what can only be described as a victory via sudden death penalty shootout Dr Alison Grimaldi has scraped through to the final! I am sure Dr O’Sullivan will console himself with the +28,000 listens he has already garnered!

Semi Final 2:

In the battle between two Professor Lorimer Moseley podcasts, there were no dirty tactics to be seen and in the end, Prof Moseley’s discussion on the effects of the brain in pain science was edged out by ‘Am I safe to move?’.


So our finalists are:

Dr Alison Grimaldi – Discussing practical physiotherapy tips for managing lateral hip pain – click here to listen


Professor Lorimer Moseley – Remaining patient-centered and looking at new pain science in “Am I safe to move?” – click here to listen 

We are allowing until 11:59pm Sunday 22ndJuly (BST) for people to get listening. As ever feel free to share the links within your communities or via social media to promote these gold resources to improve practice. We will announce a winner early next week!

We would love to hear if any of our other podcasts have improved your practice. General comments and feedback are welcome also. Tweet us @BJSM_BMJ or use the hashtag #bjsmpodworldcup. 

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