Need to ‘stabilize’ your shoulder rehabilitation skills? Come listen to Jo Gibson deliver her pearls of wisdom

By Paul Blazey @Blazey85

Jo Gibson a renowned specialist physiotherapist from the UK is coming to Vancouver this month. Jo is the author of multiple chapters on the management of shoulder instability1-3and is a highly respected clinic leader working closely with Mr Peter Brownson, a specialist shoulder surgeon based in Liverpool, England. This close relationship has allowed Jo to develop evidence-based rehabilitation programs for the management of shoulder instability, amongst other shoulder conditions, incorporating her 30+ years of professional experience.

Jo and colleagues have garnered a lot of positive attention with their successful approach to accelerated rehabilitation of elite athletes post Bankart repair. 4This program is a criteria-based rehabilitation model which has seen the average time for return to play successfully slashed from 4-5 months to around 11 weeks, with no adverse effects observed on long-term shoulder health.

Testament to the high-level of rehabilitation delivered at the clinic can be found in the testimonials of the elite athletes who attend:

I would like to thank Mr Peter Brownson & Jo Gibson for the amazing work they did with my shoulder… My return to play has been much faster than first anticipated and my shoulder feels stronger than ever. I can now attack the rest of my career with confidence.
– Tyler Hamilton Hull City Football Club

Internationally, Jo was a co-founder of the International Congress of Shoulder and Elbow Therapists, a meeting which now runs tri-annually. In addition, Jo has served as Vice president and Chair of the education committee on the EUSSER board (European Society of Shoulder & Elbow Rehabilitation). Her interest in keeping the patient central in the rehabilitation process and delivering a holistic care program is highlighted by her MSc in Advanced Practice which focused on delivery of a biopsychosocial model of care to all patients.

For an idea of how central the patient is to the rehabilitation process in achieving positive outcomes using Jo’s techniques listen to her discuss her philosophies here on the BJSM podcast:

Jo’s course takes a practical approach focusing on the normalization of the kinetic chain and ensuring maintenance of input to the motor cortex. This is with a view to re-establishing force production sense (linked to Kinaesthesia) after shoulder injuries such as anterior dislocation. The course will also look at specific rehabilitation approaches for: dynamic shoulder stability, kinetic chain control, shoulder stiffness, shoulder tendinopathy, etc. This is highly practical course, which contains lots of rehabilitation tips!

For your chance to listen and enhance your management of shoulder patients in a range of settings please take this opportunity to book to come and see Jo deliver a practical-based two-day event in Vancouver on the 13th-14thJuly.

Sign-up here!


1Walton J, Gibson J, and Jaggi A Rehabilitation Strategies: The Shoulder. In Oxford Textbook of Musculoskeletal Medicine 2e Oxford University Press (2015)

2Rangan A, Goodchild L, Gibson J et al. BESS/BOA Patient Care Pathways Frozen Shoulder. Shoulder & Elbow Journal. 2015; 7(4): 299-307

3 Gibson JC Chapter 34: Rehabilitation of the Elbow. In Operative Elbow Surgery Edited by David Stanley & Ian Trail. Churchill Livingstone (2012)

4 Gibson J, Kerrs J, Morgan C & Brownson P. Accelerated Rehabilitation after arthroscopic Bankart repair in professional footballers. Shoulder & Elbow Journal. 2016; 8(4) 279–286


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