Feels-like temperatures and risk of injuries in athletic championships

This blog provides an overview of a recently published study on the “Association between feels-like temperatures and injury risk during international outdoor athletic championships: A prospective cohort study on 29,579 athlete starts during 10 championships” [1]. Why is this study important? Anecdotal field experiences report that when the environmental temperatures are cold, athletes get more […]

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HIIT – feasible, well tolerated, and beneficial in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Why is this study important? Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have an elevated risk of cardiovascular diseases compared with the general population. Their higher risk is linked to the systemic inflammatory process in combination with increased levels of traditional risk factors, for example hypertension, hyperlipidemia, high body mass index and smoking.  Physical activity and cardiorespiratory […]

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Paris air quality monitoring for the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics: focus on air pollutants and pollen

Authors: Valérie Bougault and Gilles Forêt This study is the result of a collaboration between French air quality and pollen measurement organisations (Airparif and RNSA) and French researchers in sports science (Université Côte d’Azur) and climate and environmental sciences (Université Paris Est Créteil, Université Paris Cité, Université de Lille and Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat […]

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The error of easy running in terms of stroke volume response to exercise, or why Peter Coe was right

Author: Sergey Roussakow, MD, PhD (0000-0002-2548-895X) This blog reconsiders the traditional point of view about the training effect and physiological mechanisms of easy running and low heart rate training. The Miracle of Long Slow Distance If you ask a novice runner what the benefits of long slow distance running (LSD) (also known as low-heart rate […]

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What’s the best exercise training to reduce blood pressure?

This blog provides an overview of a study recently published in BJSM. Please click here to access the full article.  Why is this study important? It is estimated that more than 1.4 billion of the world’s population has high blood pressure (hypertension), which is a leading cause of disease and death. Commonly prescribed medications to […]

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One road to Rome: Exercise

By Dr Nicky Keay (@nickykfitness) Metabolic syndrome comprises a cluster of symptoms including: hypertension, dyslipidaemia, fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The underlying pathological process is insulin resistance which distorts metabolism. Temporal and mechanistic connections have been described between hyperinsulinaemia, obesity and insulin resistance. Insulin levels rise, potentially stimulated by an excess intake of refined […]

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Book Review: “Triathlete’s Training Bible”

The Triathlete’s Training Bible will make triathletes smarter, stronger and faster Review by Ross Tucker Joe Friel’s Triathlete’s Training Bible, now in its 3rd edition, has become an indispensable tool for triathletes of all levels wishing to improve their performance using evidence-based methods and principles. Of most credit to the book is that it is […]

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