By Fiona Wilson Crossingtheline ( is an exciting new initiative launched by a group of ex international athletes, led by Gearoid Towey (four time Olympian and World Champion rower). Its purpose is to provide a platform and resource to support athletes in retirement. Boxing legend Sugar Ray Leonard famously quoted, “Nothing could satisfy me outside […]
Category: General
Student interested in Sports and Exercise Medicine? Can you afford not to attend #USEMS16?!
By Tej Pandya Manchester Sports and Exercise Medicine Society are proud to host the Undergraduate Sports and Exercise Medicine Society’s (USEMS) 2016 annual conference. The day will be a mix of talks and interactive workshops; from concussion & career progression to hands-on ultrasound scanning. You will also hear from professionals working in high-performance roles of all sorts (think Team Sky, […]
Clinical Reasoning in Exercise and Performance Rehab: 24/25 Sept and 15/16 Oct 2016
To register and for more information: […]
Training modifications for Achilles pain in runners: #AchillesAl case study part 2
Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sport and Exercise Medicine blog series @PhysiosinSport By Tom Goom @TomGoom, Sports Physiotherapist at the Physio Rooms and the creator of Running Physio; lead on Running Repairs Course Welcome to part 2 in this ACPSEM series about Achilles tendinopathy, starring #AchillesAl as a fictional case study. Part 1 covered training […]
Behind the front page/special features: Comments by film maker Donal O’Neill ‘Cereal Killers’, ‘Run on Fat’ and ‘The Big Fat Fix’
Nutrition – a BJSM blog series BJSM Editor’s Alert & Recommendation: Do not read this if you know everything you want to know about healthy eating already . By Donal O’Neill New Year’s Eve 2011 was the first time I stepped off a plane in Cape Town, South Africa. With the usual carry on plus duffel in the hold combo. I looked […]
#RSNlive16: Rugby Science Network 2016 Conference (September 13th and 14th, 2016)
Tackling. Concussion. Doping. Rugby is a sport which has had to confront some big topics in the public domain over the past few years, and has persistently shown significant commitment to ensuring the welfare of its participants, be it through research, education, or otherwise. As a collision sport, injuries are unavoidable – and so there […]
Expedition Medicine: The Grubby Twin of Sports and Exercise Medicine?
By Dr Nick Knight Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEM) is a specialty with clear direction. It creates SEM doctors to manage the medical care of injury and illness in sport and to provide large scale application in improving the health of the general public through exercise advice and prescription1. As broad as this ‘broad church’ speciality […]
Physiotherapy and treating golfers: practical tips and experience based principles
Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sport and Exercise Medicine blog series @PhysiosinSport By Nigel Tilley @nigel_tilley Physiotherapist on European Tour/ETPI; Team GB Golf Physio Rio 2016; European Ryder cup team physio 2016 Identifying the cause of an injury is often key to the effective assessment and management of a condition/problem. All too often practitioners jump to the ‘hands-on’ […]
Myotendinous injuries call for proposals – NBA and GE Healthcare Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Collaboration
In June 2015, the NBA and GE Healthcare launched the NBA & GE Healthcare Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Collaboration, a strategic partnership aimed at engaging leading clinical researchers who have demonstrated excellence in orthopedics, sports medicine, radiology, and related disciplines. The NBA, GE Healthcare, and additional partners will provide funding for research that supports the […]
All roads lead to Rome – Running a marathon on ACL injured knees
By Catherine Lester I ran my first marathon in Rome in April, albeit slowly. I had never run further than 10km as of December last year. My dad asked me if I was sure I should be running – in 2008 I injured my left anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), medial collateral ligament (MCL) and both […]