#Sportsuisse2018 – 15-16 Nov 2018 – Come and get a taste for the Swiss way, and have a Muesli with us

Extended Warm-up By German Clénin @DrAthletesHealth and Boris Gojanovic @DrSportSante, Swiss Sports Medicine Society @SwissSportsMed Have you ever tasted our very special Swiss Muesli?1 The famous Swiss breakfast originally invented by Dr. Bircher around 1900 in Zurich has since crossed neighbouring European borders and conquered the world, with each country adding their own special ingredients to a […]

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The Nordic Hamstring Exercise: how can we improve compliance?

Undergraduate perspective on Sport & Exercise Medicine – a BJSM blog series By Jimisayo Osinaike @jimisayoosh Millions of football enthusiasts from all over the world either travelled to Russia or were glued to their television screens during the world cup, after all, it probably is the best entertainment football has to offer. However, for Sport and Exercise Medicine […]

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The #MovingCan Campaign, join us this August!

Lisa McNally @Lisa_McNally1, Director of Public Health, Bracknell Forest Council How many benefits of physical activity can you think of? One new initiative is thinking big. They’re promoting 31 reasons to get active across the 31 days of August 2018. #MovingCan(1)is the first health promotion campaign of the new Frimley Health & Care Integrated Care System […]

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2018 Football Medicine Outcomes Conference: interview with Mike Davison, Managing Director of the Isokinetic Centre in London

Swiss Junior Doctors and Undergraduate Perspective on Sport and Exercise Medicine Blog Series By Anne Cornevin @anne_cornevin When I first heard about the Isokinetic Football Medicine Outcomes conference I was surprised by the size of the event. The 2017 conference hosted 2500 attendees from 90 countries with more than 197 leading experts – all at the […]

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Mobile app to tackle doping in sport: the ASADA Clean Sport

By Nash Anderson (@sportmednews)1, Nat Sharp 1, Balraj Ougra 2 1Enhance Healthcare, Mitchell, ACT, Australia 2Back Space Chiro, Sydney, NSW, Australia   APP REVIEW  NAME OF THE MOBILE APPLICATION ASADA PLATFORM Android: 4.0.3 and up. Version 1.1.329 tested. iOS: Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. COST Free ABOUT THE […]

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The Podcast World Cup: the cream of the BJSM Podcasts…. And then there were two!

By Paul Blazey @blazey85 Following on from a French victory in the football world cup, we are at the sharp end of the real competition: the BJSM podcast world cup. The results so far… Semi Final 1: Dr Keiran O’Sullivan and practical tips for managing low back pain previously held a significant lead over all our podcasts, […]

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The function of fun: cycling reduces PTSD symptoms in a group of high-risk adolescent involved in a community cycling programme

By Sue Lawrence RN Phd One-to-One Israel funds a cycling programme for youth that have experienced home and political instability, and are supported by social services. Our (me,the Centre of Abuse and Trauma Studies  and One-to-One Israel) research mission is to prove that sports improve post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms for these young people. Our research We developed […]

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The Podcast World Cup: The cream of the BJSM Podcasts…. Semi-final line-up!

By Paul Blazey @blazey85 The quarter-final deadline has slammed shut and we have a theme growing amongst our podcast listeners. I suspect it may have something to do with England exiting the World Cup at the semi-final stage but over the week our podcasts on ‘pain management’ seem to have been doing rather well. Here […]

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A roadmap to a job in professional football: our story and 4 ways to help you get there!

Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sport and Exercise Medicine blog series @PhysiosinSport By Portsmouth Football Club Physiotherapists Jack Hughes and Will Harlow-Trigg Maps can show you the different routes to your destination, but, they don’t tell youwhere to go. They inform you about your options, and there is usually more than one way to get […]

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