Conference announcement: The Swiss Students Day is back!

Swiss Junior Doctors and Undergraduate Perspective on Sport and Exercise Medicine Blog Series

By Justin Carrard @CarrardJustin

For the third year in a row, The Swiss Society of Sport Medicine will run the Swiss Students Day!  Since the “Students & Junior Doctors SGSM/SSMS” was created in March 2017, they have run Students Day successfully. This year, the’ve organised for the event to take place on the 14th November in Bern. This is the day before the 1stSportfisio & Sport Med Conference (1,2). What a great opportunity to visit both conferences!

As usual, the focus will be to share our passion for Sport & Exercise Medicine (SEM) with medical students, and highlight the diversity a career in SEM offers. This year, we are proud to host some renowned speakers! The first speaker is Vincent Gremeaux, SEM Professor at the University of Lausanne (@drvgremeaux), who will give us an overview on the power of exercise as a drug and its prescription. Our second speaker, orthopaedic surgeon Luky Weisskopf will give an insight on his area of speciality: tendons. Our guest stars and final speakers for the morning are Tim Gabbett (@TimGabbett) and Gil Rodas. Tim is a famous Australian Sports scientist and Gil is a F.C. Barcelona Doctor. They will lecture on the importance of using science-backed practice in high performance sport. In the afternoon, students will have the opportunity to practice ankle taping, learn to use diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound, conduct a sports psychology consultation as well as have an introduction to manual medicine. To put theory in practice, Vincent Gremeaux will guide us through a sports event called “make running fun”. And last but not least, the dinner and party are great opportunities to network and make new friends!

This year’s novelty is that we’ve also invited both Students and Junior Doctors from the British Undergraduate Sports & Exercise Medicine Society (USEMS) and European College of Sports & Exercise Physicians (ECOSEP). We are so excited to see these groups come together! In addition to the usual workshops we have in German and French, workshops will be held in English to allow our British friends to enjoy SEM teachings too!

Join us for the 2018 Swiss Students Day in Bern… because (this is a novelty too): we have now opened 20 out of 120 places on the day for non-Swiss students and/or Junior Doctors to register! So go ahead, check out the programme below and sign up!

Programme and information:

Register here:

Justin Carrard (@CarrardJustinis a SGSM/SSMS board member, president of Students & Junior Doctors SGSM/SSMS and coordinator of the BJSM Swiss Junior Doctors and Undergraduate Perspective Blog Series. He is currently a guest researcher at the Mary MacKillop Institute for Health Research in Melbourne. Email:


  1. Clénin G, Gojanovic B. #Sportsuisse2018 – 15–16 November 2018 – Come and get a taste for the Swiss way, and have a Muesli with us. British journal of sports medicine. 2018;52(16):1013-.
  2. Bizzini M, Mathieu N. #sportsuisse2018 – ‘Best of’ in Bern – again! 15–16 November 2018. British journal of sports medicine. 2018;52(9):549-.

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