#BJSMCoverComp2018 – FINAL showdown!

The cover competition is reaching its finale. Following two bruising rounds our social media supporters have spoken and we have our four finalists. Here we go…

  1. June 2017– The extremely influential consensus statement on Concussion in Sport featured this excellent design of the brain and brainstem neural pathways. For OPEN access to the consensus statement go to this linkhttps://bjsm.bmj.com/content/51/11/838

  1. September 2017– The Swiss clearly have an eye for cover design! Winning our first round Facebook vote. The September ‘17 edition featured OPEN access to a systematic review on treatments for shoulder impingement. https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/51/18/1340

  1. May 2018– The second of our Swiss Sportfisio cover designs blasting it’s way through the second semi-final. This BJSM edition has FREE access to the highly recommended review on biomechanics and femoroacetabular impingement syndrome, click on the link for accesshttps://bjsm.bmj.com/content/52/9/566

  1. December 2017– Featured a cityscape of the beautiful Vancouver, Canada skyline and the coastal mountains beyond, highlighting 2019’s 3rd World Congress of Sports Physiotherapy which will be held in October within the city. The edition features FREE access to a review of prediction factors for patellofemoral pain outcomes – accessible here – https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/51/23/1650

Don’t forget all those who take part in voting for our winners will be entered into a draw for prizes which will include a free conference registration and a copy of Brukner & Khan’s Clinical Sports Medicine book. 

IMPORTANT: Follow us at the usual Facebook and Twitter (@BJSM_BMJ) pages.

You can register your vote in several ways

  • Vote on the post in the BJSM tweet and comment with your twitter handle OR share your favourite cover to your own feed.
  • On Facebook simply like and share your favourite!

You can give yourself a better chance of being selected by also using the #BJSMCoverComp2018 when you retweet or share your pick. One vote per person in the final! Those who voted in rounds 1 and 2 can have multiple entries from each round.

You may wish to vote based on your favourite artistic image but feel free to vote for the cover of the journal you found had the biggest impact on your practice. By whatever means you decide, share your thoughts with us here at BJSM via our social media channels.

Your votes do count and they also help to bring attention to gold standard research across social platforms, so what are you waiting for?

Remember to follow the progress by using the #BJSMCoverComp2018

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