Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me?

By Orla Muldoon @orlamuldoon Remember that rhyme.  The mantra of many childhoods, wheeled out to protect youthful fragility. But do names really ‘never hurt’? Is there really no physical cost to name calling, jeering and verbal abuse? At the start of September, I started to think about the cost of street harassment (jeering, heckling and the […]

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How do you identify male cyclist at risk of RED-S?

By Dr Nicky Keay @nickyKfitness Relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S) is a clinical model that describes the potential adverse health and performance consequences of low energy availability (LEA) in male and female athletes. Identification of athletes at risk of LEA can potentially prevent these adverse clinical outcomes. Athletes at risk of RED-S are those involved […]

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Managing behavioural and mental health outcomes following a traumatic brain injury

By Sadie R. Morway, Zachary K. Winkelmann @zachwinkelmann, Kenneth E. Games @GamesKenneth It is crucial to examine the long-term effects following a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in sports medicine. This is especially important for children given the sensitive development of the brain during childhood and the after-effects of TBI on mental wellness and ultimately quality of life.1-2 Understanding the potential […]

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#BJSMCoverComp2018 – FINAL showdown!

The cover competition is reaching its finale. Following two bruising rounds our social media supporters have spoken and we have our four finalists. Here we go… June 2017– The extremely influential consensus statement on Concussion in Sport featured this excellent design of the brain and brainstem neural pathways. For OPEN access to the consensus statement […]

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MedEduCare SEMS Education Series: Hamstrings in the Fast Lane, 7th December, London, UK

Set to run at the Chandos House in London, UK on Friday, 7th December, 2018, the next event in the MedEduCare SEMS Education series is the Meeting on Hamstrings in the Fast Lane. The programme content and faculty have been developed with co-charis Dr Noel Pollock, Chief Medical Officer for British Athletics and our Series Medical […]

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Triple play in ACL injury prevention: beyond the usual suspects.

By Drs Anne Benjaminse @AnneBenjaminse and Alli Gokeler @AlliGokeler Owoeye and colleagues correctly addressed the concern of adherence to injury prevention programmes as key to achieve a societal health impact: ‘it takes more than just a prescription and education to get patients to take their drugs’.1 In order to be effective in the real world, uptake of […]

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Conference announcement: The Swiss Students Day is back!

Swiss Junior Doctors and Undergraduate Perspective on Sport and Exercise Medicine Blog Series By Justin Carrard @CarrardJustin For the third year in a row, The Swiss Society of Sport Medicine will run the Swiss Students Day!  Since the “Students & Junior Doctors SGSM/SSMS” was created in March 2017, they have run Students Day successfully. This year, the’ve organised […]

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Two days. Ten events. The need for a decathlete to optimise their training and health for sports performance

  By Pascal Edouard, MD, PhD, @PascalEdouard42 and Jacques Pruvost, MD  9126! The total points Kévin Mayer, a French decathlete, scored just two weeks ago at the Decastar meeting in Talence, France, breaking the decathlon world record with 4563 points on the first and 4563 on the second day. Mayer’s win illustrates the important and delicate […]

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#GolfingConsensus: another option to improve mental health and increase physical activity?

By Paul Blazey @blazey85 To coincide with the start of today’s Ryder Cup, this week BJSM published the 2018 consensus statement on golf and health (1). In the paper, golf is portrayed as a means to address current public health concerns over a lack of physical activity, and as a sport with health benefits as […]

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