Preparing a team for the Rugby World Cup 2019: a medical perspective

By Dr Geoff Davies @GeoffSportsdoc and Mr Prav Mathema @PravMathema A considerable amount of planning, teamwork and communication is required to enable a team to function to its full potential. Trying to support a team to peak at the Rugby World Cup (which comes around every 4 years) could be considered a sport in itself. Our work, […]

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The impact of shoulder injuries in rugby: what can we control?

  By Sam Blanchard @sjbphysio_sport  & Paula Timpson @paulat_physio Asia is not a region that would be traditionally synonymous with Rugby Union… until now. On the 20th September 2019, Japan will host the 9th Rugby World Cup and will see the greatest rugby nations on Earth collide… literally! The impacts reported in professional rugby have been likened […]

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The quest for superior exercises for great health in old age

Swiss Junior Doctors and Undergraduate Perspective on Sport and Exercise Medicine Blog Series By Michiel R.M. Twiss (@physiotwiss) Which exercise methods are most effective for improving physical fitness (PF) and functional performance fitness (FPF) in older adults? Exercise (EX) enables participation in physical pursuits, including sports and contributes to personal independence, self-care and quality of […]

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The best of the BJSM podcasts– The world according to…a younger member of our community!

By Nejat Hassen For over five years, BJSM has been a knowledge gateway as I progressed through my Kinesiology degree. Having only recently discovered the excellent podcasts I go the chance to share my top 10 from the last year. It’s just my (level 5!) opinion. BJSM encourages diverse opinions–from those with various levels of […]

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Highlights from the 2019 NSW SMA State Symposium

By Balraj Ougra (@backspace.chiro) On August 3rd Sports Medicine Australia (SMA) hosted its New South Wales (NSW) State Symposium in the world-renowned 2000 Olympic Games Precinct at Genea Netball Centre, Sydney Olympic Park. Titled“The Pain of Sports & Exercise Management of Acute & Chronic Pain in Sport”, the symposium was aimed at clinicians from all health disciplines […]

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RED-S research: bones and ballet

  Dr. Nicky Keay @nickyKfitness Suboptimal bone health with associated recurrent stress fractures can be career ending for athletes and dancers. Bone stress injuries, including stress fractures and other complications of suboptimal bone heath such as compression fractures are some of the most clinically significant sequalae of low energy availability described in the Relative Energy […]

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Irish Undergraduate Sports & Exercise Medicine Society – Wheels in Motion

The Gait Way to Sport and Exercise Medicine – a BJSM blog series  By Andy Cummiskey (LinkedIn), Jonny Elliott (@jelliott1989) and Derbhala Murphy (LinkedIn) Ireland is a small sporting nation with unprecedented numbers pursuing healthy activities in recent years. In 2017, nearly half (43%) of the Irish population participated in sport at least once per week (by way of comparison, […]

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The healthcare debate: a call for truly “Populist” healthcare

By Gabriel H. Zieff @GfellerCenter, Zachary Y. Kerr, Justin B. Moore @justinbmoorephd and Lee Stoner @leestoner The United Kingdom (UK) instituted universal healthcare in 1948 with the National Health Services (NHS). Meanwhile, the United States (US) utilized a market-based approach with a few exceptions (e.g. Medicare/Medicaid) and expansions [Affordable Care Act (ACA)]. Recent nationalist trends (e.g. […]

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Winner of the 2018/19 BJSM PhD Editors’ Pick Award: an interview with Sheree Bekker

  For the interview with Dimitris Vlachopoulos, our People’s Choice winner, click here. Interview with the Editors’ Pick winner: Sheree Bekker. Congratulations Sheree! How does it feel to be the Editors’ Pick? I am absolutely delighted and honoured! The BJSM PhD Academy Awards have very quickly become a prestigious award within our field, buoyed by the […]

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