By Sean Carmody1,2, Andrew Murray1,3,4, Mariya Borodina5, Vincent Gouttebarge6,7, Andrew Massey8 The COVID-19 pandemic has had, and will have, profound effects on every person on earth. Measures advocated by the World Health Organisation (WHO), and put in place by National Governments, businesses and individuals will save millions of lives, but current movement restrictions (i.e., various […]
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Physical activity for children under 5 years during COVID-19: Play your way and keep moving while at home.
By Simone Tomaz @sim_tomaz, Samantha Fawkner @s_fawkner, Ailsa Niven @AilsaNiven, Steven Hanson @SteveFloatBoat, Chloë Williamson @Chlobobs_, Paul Kelly @narrowboat_paul and Coral L Hanson @HansonCoral The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live and for many parents of children under-5, life at home may be upside down, giving new meaning to the word ‘chaos’. Without childcare and facilities for under-5s, […]
Anxiety and insomnia in athletes during the COVID era: Part 1 – Foundation and Facts
By Drs Carla Edwards @Edwards10Carla and Meeta Singh @athletesleepmd1 Anxiety and Insomnia, respectively, are the most prevalent psychiatric and sleep disorders experienced by the general public, and anxiety and insomnia symptoms are highly prevalent among elite athletes. While each may exist without the other, they are often common partners. Additionally, they serve as risk […]
Mental health in Athletes and COVID-19 – Phil and Georgia Hopley discuss. Episode#425
BJSM Friday Podcast #425 In this week’s podcast, Dr Phil Hopley explains to Dr Will Wynter Bee the impact of the COVID crisis on athletes’ mental health as well as discussing his role in setting up mental health services for the European tour. He also provides insights into how, clinically, he assesses and manages mental […]
The resurgence of sport in the wake of COVID-19: cardiac considerations in competitive athletes
By Aaron L. Baggish, MD, Jonathan A. Drezner, MD, Jonathan H. Kim, MD, MSc, Matthew W. Martinez, MD, Jordan M. Prutkin, MD, MHS The SARS-Coronavirus-2 (COVID-19) pandemic brought the global world of sports to a staggering halt. In unprecedented fashion and with few exceptions, professional leagues, mass participation endurance events, and youth sport around […]
COVID-19 and combat sports: to fight or not to fight?
By Nitin K Sethi, MD @neurorounds Professional boxing and mixed martial arts (MMA) are popular sports with a worldwide fanbase. COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) is the infectious respiratory disease caused by SARS-COV 2 virus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2). On March 11th, 2020 The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic considering the […]
Can I trust the messenger and their advice? The Aspetar COVID-19 Evidence for Athletes Service
By Paul Dijkstra @DrPaulDijkstra, Sofie Nelis @NelisSofie, Faten Smiley, Ivan Stankovic @StankovicID, Marco Cardinale @Marco_Cardinale, Mike Clarke @EvidenceAid Why this service? The evidence dilemma in a time of crisis The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting athletes’ lives due to lock down and physical distancing, self-isolation and quarantine—all measures to curb the spread of this disease. […]
The consequences of postponing Tokyo 2020
By Dr Omar Tayari Postponing Tokyo 2020 was a great idea given the times we are living in. This necessary action has come with risks and consequences that I thought are important to note, and discuss with the BJSM Community. A message to my colleagues and a message to humanity Let me first pay tribute […]
Coronavirus: a physio seeking hope amidst the chaos
By David Bevan @DJBMSKPT We are truly living in extraordinary times. The coronavirus is currently tightening its grip on global economies and in doing so placing immense pressure on our healthcare system. This has and will like cause untold suffering throughout our society. In the coming months many may tragically suffer personal loss, and many will […]
A letter from Italy: all healthcare providers are part of the solution to COVID-19.
By Giacomo Rossettini @GiacomoRoss86, Tommaso Geri @totomash, Alvisa Palese and Andrea Lovato Worldwide, the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is spreading. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently declared this epidemic as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and recently a pandemic. In Italy the number of infected people rose from 228 cases on February 24th […]