Undergraduate perspective on Sport & Exercise Medicine – a BJSM blog series By Johnson Pok-Him Tam (@tamph4) and Manroy Sahni (@manroysahni) Elite sport is results driven. Each generation of new athletes is pushing themselves to new limits, to reach new heights and eclipse records set by their predecessors. But what impact can this constant cauldron of pressure […]
Category: General
Hamstring virtual conference 2.1 Encore edition from 2015…
Because the first few podcast clusters went down a treat – this time we’re back with even more BJSM resources focusing on the hammy, featuring the same podcasts alongside papers from the likes of Reurink, Orchard and Whiteley. So without further ado – here is your one-stop shop for everything hamstring-related, enjoy! Hamstring Injuries with […]
Isaac Makwala and some thoughts on the challenge of Norovirus at major games.
By Dr Juan-Manuel Alonso @DrJuanMAlonso So, what initially looked like a food poisoning turned out to be a Gastroenteritis / Norovirus outbreak . The big evil all sport events medical cover organisers tried to avoid at all costs. Really bad luck! For one reason or another, the Botswana team leader and doctor did not inform […]
Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine Annual Scientific Conference, September 2017 “Exercise Medicine and Physical Activity for Health”
This years Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine Annual Scientific Conference promises yet again to be a highlight of the international sports medicine calendar. The conference will focus on “Exercise Medicine and Physical Activity for Health” and takes place on the 15th and 16th of September in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland […]
Running (more!) randomised controlled trials in sport and exercise medicine – Tips for clinical research
Sport and Exercise Medicine: The UK trainee perspective – A BJSM blog series By Dr Robert M Barker-Davies Have you ever considered running a randomised control trial (RCT)? Or at least perhaps wondered why there aren’t more of them in sports medicine? RCTs along with systematic review and meta-analysis are the gold standard for evidence-based medicine. […]
Addiction to Exercise – what distinguishes a healthy level of commitment from exercise addiction?
By Dr Nicky Keay nickykeay Health is not just the absence of illness, but rather the optimisation of all components of health: physical, mental and social. Exercise has numerous benefits on all these aspects. However, a recent article in the British Medical Journal described how exercise addiction can have detrimental physical, mental and social effects. Dedication and determination are valuable qualities required to be […]
Exercise oncology part 2/3: Let’s put it into practice!
Swiss Junior Doctors and Undergraduate Perspective on Sport and Exercise Medicine Blog Series By Anne Cornevin @anne_cornevin and Justin Carrard @Carrard.Justin The first part of this series reviewed the scientific evidence to prescribe exercise in order to prevent and treat cancers [read it HERE]. This second part “gives” the floor to a family, whose daughter was […]
Duty of care and the relevance of occupational health in professional sport
Undergraduate perspective on Sport & Exercise Medicine – a BJSM blog series By Manroy Sahni (@manroysahni) Performance vs Safety Team success, winning and performance are undoubtedly at the heart of elite sport. The concept of “marginal gains” and the pursuit of miniscule improvements that ultimately tip the balance between winning and losing mean that “performance” […]
Young people: Neuromuscular skills for Sport Performance
Part-3 (of 3) of the blog mini-series on youth Dr Nicky Keay nickykeay Many publications report concerns over low exercise levels in young people. At the other end of the spectrum there are potential pitfalls to be avoided for young athletes. Some aspects have been discussed in my previous blogs: health and fitness in young people and optimising health and […]
Announcement of winners! 2017 BJSM PhD Academy Awards
By Alan McCall The hard work of PhD candidates and their innovative findings are integral to moving our field forward. They provide evidence based practical recommendations for clinicians and practitioners. The BJSM PhD Academy Awards recognise and celebrate the contribution of younger and emerging leaders. The ‘People’ and the ‘Editors’ have voted for the inaugural BJSM PhD […]