By Giacomo Rossettini @GiacomoRoss86, Tommaso Geri @totomash, Alvisa Palese and Andrea Lovato Worldwide, the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is spreading. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently declared this epidemic as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and recently a pandemic. In Italy the number of infected people rose from 228 cases on February 24th […]
Category: General
Mental health impacts of Covid19: Implications for exercise professionals
By Grace McKeon & Simon Rosenbaum Much of the world is currently in an unprecedented lock-down due to the Covid19 pandemic. As we grapple with the immediate and future mental health impacts of this emerging global crisis, we must turn to our toolkit of proven strategies to help navigate these uncharted waters. Getting people moving is […]
Stay calm, be active: simple ways to boost your physical activity during COVID-19
By Coral L Hanson @HansonCoral, Paul Kelly @narrowboat_paul, Alice Pearsons @AlicePearsons, Chloe Williamson @Chlobobs_, Sheona McHale @SheonaMchale, Steven Hanson @SteveFloatBoat and Lis Neubeck @lisneubeck The COVID-19 global pandemic is rapidly changing the way that we live. Suddenly, large numbers of people are working from home, leisure facilities are closed, and we’re social distancing from our […]
Prescribing the perfect running shoe – myth busting podcast with Dr. Laurent Malisoux. Episode #422
BJSM Friday Podcast #420 Runners are constantly trying to find the perfect shoe that will combine increased performance with decreased injury risk. In this podcast, Dr. Liam West @Liam_West poses the questions to Dr. Laurent Malisoux @LaurentMalisoux to explore whether the current body of research is able to guide the clinician as to which shoe […]
Athlete mental health and mental illness in the era of COVID-19: shifting focus with a new reality
By Drs. Carla Edwards, MD @Edwards10Carla and Jane Thornton @JaneSThornton Few events in history have altered the staging of the Olympic Games. Thus far only the World Wars have kept our athletes away from the grand stage, and several politically based boycotts prevented some nations from participating in other Olympic Games. In fact, few events […]
QuaranTrain- online support for good health and well-being during the Covid-19 pandemic. and follow us on Twitter @quarantraining COVID-191 is spreading rapidly around the world, with more and more people experiencing the health, economic and social consequences of this pandemic. As health professionals, we can, and should, take responsibility and act where we can in prevention, support and togetherness to promote physical activity and good health […]
NSAIDs and corticosteroid injections during the COVID pandemic: what Sport and Exercise Medicine Physicians (and sports physios) should know
By A/Prof Jane Fitzpatrick, So the twittisphere is alive with experts and casual observers making comments about the use of medications in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. In an unreferenced news article in The BMJ, Michael Day said, “Scientists and senior doctors have backed claims by France’s health minister that people showing symptoms […]
5 Tips to stay active and remain calm while “social distancing” this month
By Callista Ottoni @CallistaAnne Globally, everyone is grappling and re-calibrating their personal and professional lives in the wake of COVID-19 outbreak and prevention. As healthcare professionals, folks are likely calling on your professional opinion. You may also be working double time to adjust training and treatment plans of athletes. That’s why the focus of […]
Exercise and Infectious Diseases – Covid-19
By Fábio Hech Dominski1 and Bruno Hech Dominski2. We are experiencing an outbreak of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), characterized by a respiratory illness that results from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection (CDC, 2020). The outbreak of COVID-19 is increasing worldwide and is now a global pandemic. The COVID-19 was first reported from […]
Athletes’ mental health—a major issue. Dr Margo Mountjoy shares management tips. Episode #421
BJSM Friday Podcast #421 Assistant Dean at McMaster University, member of the FINA (World Swimming) and the IOC Working Group on Mental Health in Athletes, Dr Margo Mountoy, MD, Dip Sport Med [CASEM], PhD (T:@margomountjoy), shares practical insights. What 4 things should a team physician do to help an athlete who has mental health symptoms or a […]