Professor Caroline Finch is a leading advocate for decreasing the divide between the science and practice of injury prevention through greater cross-fertilization in the fields of injury and sports medicine research. In the June 24, 2011 edition of BJSM’s sister journal Injury Prevention, Prof Finch offers a concise summary: Updating the international research agenda for […]
Category: Injury prevention
From the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress (Whistler, British Columbia)
Bit of local bias in today’s blog – and I have to declare a conflict that the CPA has put me up in the very nice Hilton Hotel at the base of Whistler Mountain. So if I say the Hilton has delicious breakfast cereal and great local art galleries next door, you need to be […]
Hip imaging pathology – the problem of limited specificity: Guest Blog by Dr. David Hughes
I can’t recall the number of times I have had to explain to a patient that an abnormal lumbar spine MR or CT scan is a very common finding among asymptomatic persons. There are numerous similar examples in Sport and Exercise, including studies which have demonstrated significant tibial stress reactions in over 40% of asymptomatic […]
Consussion podcast still timely – McCrory on Consensus Statement
Concussion, concussion, concussion – has dominated the media over the past months. Major injuries to kids, research suggesting long-term problems, even the American Neurology Association updating their guidelines, now Sidney Crosby sits on the sidelines at millions of dollars a day. BJSM afficionados will be aware but as we get new readers and blog […]
Osteoarthritis Prevention: Important for the Young and Old
In April, our special issue of BJSM reminds athletes, clinicians, and coaches that prevention of osteoarthritis is important for both younger and older athletes. Check these papers online first if you have BJSM access – otherwise they’ll be up on April 1st. Dennis Caine and Yvonne Golightly review the epidemiology of OA, the effect of […]
Preventing sports injuries – here are success strategies! Guest blog Professor Caroline Finch –
In a universal quest to ensure that sports injury prevention efforts actually do work because athletes and other participants actually do what we recommend they do, there have been increasing calls for more attention towards understanding the drivers of sports injury prevention from a behavioural perspective. It is concerning, therefore, that the sports injury research […]
Research in Stretching- A Letter to the Editor
Editor, I recently read the article Jamtvedt et al on whether pre and post stretching prevents injury (1) with interest. I commend the authors for their well-conducted study and would like to comment on two particular issues. First, the authors correctly point out that there was no difference in the primary outcome of all injuries, […]
Rapid return to activity after ankle injury
The topic of a new BJSM podcast is Ankle sprains and rehabilitation, with human movement specialist Evert Verhagen. He addresses accurate diagnosis, whether to tape or brace (and when), principles of return to sport, and issues of cost-effectiveness. This podcast is geared to clinicians treating patients after ankle sprain — and preventing these injuries in the […]