Zeshan Qureshi and Jameela Sheikh discuss what they have learnt from talking to healthcare professionals and medical students about their experiences of racism in the NHS What has it been […]
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How well can reality TV shows assess the risks to contestants’ mental health?
In the wake of criticism, the reality TV show Love Island introduced stricter mental health checks for its contestants. But even in clinical settings, risk prediction is an uncertain business, […]
Sangeetha Kolpattil: Covid-19—do not give up
I am a consultant radiologist working in the UK and contracted a severe case of covid-19 during the first wave in 2020. However, I was lucky enough to survive after […]
An international treaty enshrining the right to health should be part of post-covid reforms
Our global community will be healthier and more secure if countries foster the right to health in all of their actions, write Eric A Friedman, Kelly E Perry, and Luiz […]
Pivotal not peripheral: the role of administration in the NHS
Before the pandemic hit, The King’s Fund, Healthwatch England, and National Voices embarked on a project to better understand how administrative practices in the NHS impact on people’s experiences of […]
How power imbalances in the narratives, research, and publications around long covid can harm patients
Amali Lokugamage and colleagues argue that patients are still struggling to get their voices heard above doctors, a situation that risks “structural iatrogenesis” […]
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The recent decision by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to extend an emergency use authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 vaccine for children from 12 to 15 years […]
Anita Jain: Covid-19 in India and the Mumbai model
The Supreme Court of India recently praised “The Mumbai Model” in responding to the second wave of covid-19 and asked other Indian states to draw from its experience. In early […]
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POVID, or a “post-covid” world may still seem like a distant dream. Peter Brindley and Matt Morgan imagine what life might be like as we learn to live with covid […]
Jeffrey Aronson: When I Use a Word . . . Black swans in biochemistry
Continuing my search for biomedical black swans, based on the words newly cited in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) from 1970 to 2020, I now turn to terms relevant to […]