Most doctors would agree that the mistakes they’ve made have gone on to shape their care for the better. So why are we so reluctant to share these missteps, asks […]
Junior doctors
Rosemary Clarke: Nursing as a junior doctor
Rosemary Clarke describes how time spent supporting a nursing team can make junior doctors more confident in their bedside skills […]
Healthcare for prisoners—a missing part of UK medical training
The healthcare needs of people in prison are largely absent from UK medical education, despite prisoners being a high risk group of patients, writes Gautam Chadalavada […]
The personal cost of postgraduate medical exams: Are we asking too much of trainees?
Postgraduate exams take a psychological, social, and financial toll on trainees. Ricky Ellis, Duncan Scrimgeour, and Peter A Brennan ask whether the personal sacrifice required is appropriate […]
Imrun Nagra: Is undergraduate education on radiology failing doctors?
The fear and lack of confidence many junior doctors feel in interpreting and requesting scans is a problem that stems from medical school, writes Imrun Nagra […]
Eleanor Stott: The fixed path of medical training—how 2020 proved me wrong
Eleanor Stott describes how she’s found solace in realising that the path of medicine isn’t so rigid after all […]
Women in surgery: We should be asking how to make the specialty somewhere women want to work
It is not enough to encourage women to enter surgery if the workplace then discriminates against them, write Roisin Finn and colleagues […]
Katherine Murdoch: Foundation interim doctors—a role beyond the pandemic?
The internet is loading, families are gathering around computer screens and the medical school dean is preparing his speech. It is the twenty seventh of March and instead of being […]
Martin Kaminski: Congrats on becoming a doctor! Sorry about the pandemic
To all our new doctors, first off, congratulations on surviving years of monotonous pre-clinical lectures, bewildering elective attachments, and dreaded finals. You made it! Second, yikes, I know that in […]
Cian Wade: Silver linings of the covid-19 pandemic for junior doctors
We have faced numerous losses during this pandemic, but there have been some silver linings, says Cian Wade […]