Archives of Disease in Childhood blog
A peer-reviewed journal for health professionals and researchers covering conception to adolescence.

BMJ Case Reports blog
A fully searchable resource publishing cases across all disciplines, highlighting clinically important information on common and rare conditions.

BMJ Leader blog
The official blog of BMJ Leader, offering a space for sharing leadership ideas, insights or perspectives.

BMJ Open blog
BMJ Open is an open access journal for general medical research. Find out more about the journal and open access here.

BMJ Open Gastroenterology blog
BMJ Open Gastroenterology publishes high-quality medical research from all disciplines and therapeutic areas of gastroenterology and hepatology. The monthly blog distils some key messages and topics from recent gastroenterology research

BMJ Open Science blog
Blogging about our preclinical research and improving the transparency, integrity, and reproducibility of research closely aligned to medicine.

BMJ Quality & Safety blog
A forum to highlight interesting articles and authors from BMJ Quality & Safety, as well as to encourage sharing of perspectives around broader issues of quality improvement and patient safety.

BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health blog
For readers of the journal and health professionals in contraception and sexual health care.

BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine blog
BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine covers all aspects of sport and exercise medicine and associated areas such as physical activity for chronic disease prevention.

BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care blog
BMJ Group's first dedicated supportive and palliative care journal. Visit the blog for all the latest developments on this exciting new journal.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Blog
This centralised hub collects coronavirus (COVID-19) blog posts from across the BMJ's blogs.

BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine blog
Analysis and discussion of developments in BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine.

Evidence-Based Mental Health Blog
Evidence-Based Mental Health aims to engage psychiatrists and psychologists, particularly younger professionals, in the challenge of basing their practice on evidence.

Frontline Gastroenterology Blog
Frontline Gastroenterology aims to accelerate the adoption of best practice in the fields of gastroenterology and Hepatology; focusing on the needs of patients and the professionals caring for them.

Injury Prevention blog
The new blog for Injury Prevention, the journal that strives to reduce the burden of injury in all age groups across the globe.

Gut blog
The official blog of Gut, a leading international journal delivering up-to-date, authoritative, clinically-oriented coverage in all areas of gastroenterology and hepatology.

JNNP blog
JNNP encompasses the entire genre of neurological sciences, publishing the world's ground-breaking brain and mind research.

Medical Humanities blog
Responding to and stimulating debate about the many subjects that interest and drive the large, diverse, and intellectually hungry medical humanities community.

Sexually Transmitted Infections blog
Sexually Transmitted Infections blog - debating how to provide high quality sexual health care in a unified manner.

Tobacco Control blog
Analysis and debate of the latest tobacco control research findings and policy developments.