The challenges of health communication in a modern world of entertainment

Sport and Exercise Medicine: The UK trainee perspective (A twice-monthly series on the BJSM blog) By Dr Wilby Williamson Preaching about physical activity and demanding compliance with 150 minutes of activity per week, as I do with my friends and family, often falls on deaf ears.  Changing tack to discuss differences between London’s bus drivers and […]

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Achoooooo! Exercise in the cold season.

Yes, it’s the sound of a sneeze. This month BBC news health reporter, Michelle Roberts wrote a feature on the  BJSM article titled,  Upper respiratory tract infection is reduced in physically fit and active adults. David Nieman at the Human Performance Laboratory in North Carolina shows that exercise can prevent a cold. Their study on more than 1000 adults was […]

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The challenge: Motivating Physical Activity

1 Man, 52 jobs, 52 weeks. Sean Aiken, talks about finding the fulfilling job and discovering his passion. Not an easy thing to do. For those of us passionate about sharing the powerful health benefits of Physical Activity, the challenge is message delivery. How do we motivate patients to embark on Physical Activity lifestyle interventions? […]

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