be active 2014, Canberra, Australia, October 15 – 18: Abstract submissions NOW OPEN!


be active 2014 will incorporate the Australian Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport (ACSMS), the National Physical Activity Conference (NPAC), and the National Sports Injury Prevention Conference (NSIPC). Together the three conferences will focus on current research and practice in areas relating to the promotion of, and safe participation in, all kinds of sport, exercise and physical activity. be active 2014 will provide an interactive educational forum of the highest standard, promoting the latest physical activity and health developments amongst key and influential industry professionals.

be active 2014 will be held at the National Convention Centre, Canberra, Australia, 15 – 18 October 2014.

Abstract submissions are NOW OPEN. All researchers, practitioners, policy makers and students who wish to present their work are encouraged to submit abstracts for presentation.

Abstract submission closes on 15th April 2014 AEDST.

For more information about abstract submissions and the conference visit

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