By Chris Oliver @cyclingsurgeon Whilst banning wearing headphones whilst cycling may seem obvious for safety reasons, this behaviour restriction could be unfounded. In the United Kingdom it is currently not illegal to wear headphones whilst cycling on public roads or cycle paths. One would think that listening to music may distract you from your surroundings. It may […]
Category: General
International Congress on Medicine & Science in Ultra-Endurance Sports- call for submissions and funding announcement
By Martin D. Hoffman We are pleased to announce that the 4th Annual International Congress on Medicine & Science in Ultra-Endurance Sports will be held as a 1-day pre-conference to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado. The congress date is Tuesday, May 30, 2017. With only 1 day for this […]
To intercalate or not to intercalate…and a few other questions…
Undergraduate perspective on Sport & Exercise Medicine – a BJSM blog series By James Murphy This time last year I was sure that I wanted to intercalate on a Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEM) course. For those that aren’t familiar with the term, to intercalate means taking a year out of your medical course to study […]
SEM National Training Day Hosted by Health Education Thames Valley in association with Southampton Football Club 16th November 2016
Sport and Exercise Medicine: The UK trainee perspective –A BJSM blog series By Ralph Smith and James Baldock The quarterly National Training days are an exclusive opportunity for Sport and Exercise (SEM) specialist trainees in the UK to meet to receive high quality teaching and share training experiences. The first National Training day of this academic year kicked […]
What you need to know about hamstring injuries and how to prevent them with “Hamstring Hero” Kristian Thorborg
#IOCprev2017 Engagement, Evidence & Practice Blog Series By By Nirmala Perera @Nim_Perera with contributions from @KThorborg and @ryan_timmins Hamstring injuries Hamstring injuries are common muscular injuries in athletics1 and in team sports such as football,2, 3 rugby4 and Australian football-5 sports that all involve high-speed running, sudden acceleration and deceleration. These activities increase the eccentric forces within […]
AchillesAl part 3: Psychosocial considerations in Achilles pain
Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sport and Exercise Medicine blog series @PhysiosinSport By Tom Goom @TomGoom, Sports Physiotherapist at the Physio Rooms and the creator of Running Physio; lead on Running Repairs Course After a short hiatus we’re back with #AchillesAl part 3. We’ve touched upon training error and how to modify training to find […]
USEMS 2016 National Student Sports Medicine Conference – The Highlights!
Undergraduate perspective on Sport & Exercise Medicine – a BJSM blog series By Tej Pandya The 2016 USEMS Student sports medicine conference was held in Manchester on Saturday 12th November. One hundred and fifty keen students attended from all across the UK -representing many different professions. It was fantastic to see such a high level of […]
Can I get a pound for every time someone says collaboration? Take home messages from the UK Sports Concussion Research Symposium
By James Murphy The UK’s first Sports Concussion Research Symposium started with a warm welcome by Velicia Bachtiar (Drake Foundation1) and Dr Simon Kemp (Rugby Football Union (RFU)). Dr Charlotte Cowie (Football Association (FA)) then kicked off official proceedings. This day brought together the concussion and traumatic brain injury communities that in the past have […]
Will training load modification reduce the incidence of anterior cruciate ligament ruptures in netball?
By Zoe Rippon Netball is the most common female team sport played in Australia and New Zealand. The elite professional netball league (ANZ championship) includes 10 teams across Australia and New Zealand. The high physical demands of the sport from sprinting, maximal jump landing (often with contact), change of direction and the rules only allowing […]
Five pearls from the first Swiss Sports and Exercise Medicine Student’s Day – for future doctors
Swiss Junior Doctors and Undergraduate Perspective on Sport and Exercise Medicine Blog Series By Justin Carrard, @Carrard.Justin I am very honored to launch the new Swiss Junior Doctors and Undergraduate Perspective blog series. This series will help amplify Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM) as a medical specialty in our country. It will also encourage dialogue […]