Applies to: The FA ATMMiF, The RFL IMMOFP, The FA ITMMiF, Sports Promote, WRU ICIR and The RFU PHICIS Authors: Lisa Hodgson, Gemma Phillips, Jonathan Gordon, Jonathan Hanson, John MacLean, Prabhat Mathema, Andrew Smith, Mark Woolcock, Charlotte Cowie, Simon Kemp, Michael Patterson, Jo Larkin, Jerry Hill, Mike Rossiter, Niall Elliott, Pippa Bennett, Jonathan Power, Ari […]
Category: General
Do you manage patients with knee pain? Might it be osteoarthritis? This week’s podcast is for you.
Dr. Dan Rhon (T: @danrhon) PT, PhD is a researcher with the US Department of Defence, a consultant and Assistant Professor at both Duke (North Carolina) and Baylor (Texas) Universities. He attended a manual therapy clinical fellowship at Brooke Army Medical Center in Texas, is a fellow in the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical […]
We may have been overenthusiastic with that mask … (letter from a leader)
This is from a leader in the BJSM community … (and thank you!) I know you appreciate honest feedback. Here is some for the new BJSM cover that depicts a runner in the forest with a mask. As you know, masks are a great tool to stop the spread of droplets and are proven useful […]
A Team Sport Risk Exposure Framework to Support the Return to Sport
Ben Jones 1,2,3,4,5, Gemma Phillips 2,6, Simon PT Kemp 7,10, Steffan A Griffin 7,8, Clint Readhead 4,9, Neil Pearce 10, Keith A Stokes 7,11 Background The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in global disruption to many sports. There are a number of challenges in returning to sport, especially given the unprecedented duration of time that athletes […]
Building your athlete mental health toolkit during COVID-19 with Olympian Dr Jane Thornton. #433
Top podcast for athletes suffering mental health issues during COVID […]
In the fight for racial justice, the sidelines are no longer an option. By Dr Tracy Blake, PT, PhD
Author: Dr Tracy Blake (@TracyABlake) This blog mirrors Dr Blake’s accepted Editorial that will appear in BJSM shortly (anticipated online first: between July 17 and 24). Updated August 3rd, 2020: Editorial published July 30th, 2020 (FREE) Cite this article as: Blake T. In the fight for racial justice, the sidelines are no longer an option […]
Using data science to support medical team decisions & return to play post COVID- 19. Episode #430
BJSM Friday Podcast #430 Dr. Ben Sporer (T: @ben_sporer) is the current director of performance strategy, research and innovation at the Vancouver Whitecaps (MLS). He trained as an exercise physiologist and worked with the Canadian Sport Institute, supporting multisport, cycling and snowboarding athletes across three full Olympic cycles (summer and winter games). He brings a […]
Team sport in a COVID-19 world – a catastrophe-in-waiting, or a disguised opportunity to evolve and contribute further to population health?
By Steffan A Griffin, Amy E Mendham, Peter Krustrup, Andrew Murray, Nick Peirce, Joanne Larkin, Rod Jaques, Charlotte Cowie, Keith A Stokes, Simon PT Kemp Team sport has been widely hailed as a potential morale-booster for the wider society in the current COVID-19 climate (in both a spectating and participating capacity). However, team sport […]
FAI and giving patients confidence in telehealth, Chad Cook gives us the inside track. Episode #432
BJSM Friday Podcast #432 Associate Editor Paul Blazey (T: @blazey85) talks with Professor Chad Cook from Duke University (North Carolina, USA). Chad is a Professor in the Orthopaedic Surgery Division of Physical Therapy, with an interest in the effective diagnosis, intervention, and outcomes assessment of conservative and surgical treatment of orthopedic-related conditions. Today we focus […]
Should people wear a face mask during exercise: What should clinicians advise?
Many community-based measures to control the spread of the coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) are implemented, including social distancing, hand hygiene and wearing non-medical face masks in public areas. This recommendation is based on the concept of ‘source control’ to prevent droplets produced by the person wearing the mask from spreading to other people or onto […]