Trauma–Aware Care

Blog by Lily Kim While chairing Holocaust Education Week (UJA Federation) and leading Equity for the Canadian Disability Studies Association (CDSA), I recognized the need to reconcile diverse intersectional perspectives in Canada. The current situation is widely viewed as a healthcare crisis brought about by the COVID-19 virus. However, the pandemic has revealed the existential […]

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The Fight Against Sexism in Science: International Women’s Day Featuring Scientist Rita Colwell

Welcome to the Medical Humanities podcast, where today we are pleased to have Rita Colwell join us for International Women’s Day! In addition to discussing the trials and successes of being a woman in science, she also talks to us about her new book A Lab of One’s Own. Rita Colwell is one of the […]

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The Power of Equity: Interview with Oni Blackstock

Welcome back to the medical humanities podcast. I am Brandy Schillace, Editor in Chief, and today we are speaking with Dr. Oni Blackstock. In this episode, we discuss the powerful influence of Black women in medicine and in health justice. What will it take to change the course of healthcare and ensure equity for all? […]

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Call for Papers: Access and Social Justice

The Covid-19 pandemic has stripped away comfortable illusions, has exposed how fragile our medical, governmental, and social health care systems, and has shed additional light on deeply problematic inequalities in the distribution and allocation of care. We mustn’t return to normal; normal was not good enough. For this reason, we are continuing this year in […]

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Black History Month Feature: Dr. Oni Blackstock

Throughout the month of February, in honor Black History Month, the Medical Humanities-BMJ blog is proud to feature distinguished Black individuals who have made outstanding contributions to medicine and medical humanities.  By Brandy Schillace, Medical Humanities-BMJ EIC Here at Medical Humanities, we have been very lucky to have hosted Dr. Oni Blackstock, MD, MHS, on […]

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What Becomes of Us: Health Disparity in Pandemic

On today’s podcast, Editor Brandy Schillace speaks to Josh Mugele. a disaster and emergency medicine physician who is working to build an emergency residency in Northeast Georgia. Listen now [transcript below] Medicine is actually his second career, after he worked Silicon Valley during the dot com boom. He attained his doctorate from the University of […]

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From contradictory to complementary: Acknowledging the complex everyday choices of men’s sexualities

by Dr. Jaime García-Iglesias and Joe Strong In response to the COVID-19 lockdown in the UK, Soho-based sexual health clinic 56 Dean Street launched the campaign ‘Break the Chain’ (also known as ‘Test Now, Stop HIV’): based on the belief that people would not meet for sex during the lockdown, the campaign pushed for postal […]

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Announcements: Conversations in Time of Crisis (Association for Medical Humanities)

We find ourselves in crisis. In times of crisis, action is at once indispensable and impossible, demanding a whole focus of attention while being dependent on events resolving themselves, requiring front-line workers to intervene while knowing themselves to have severely limited influence and agency. The front line is essentially a conversation with often unknown and […]

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Death Penalty in Times of COVID-19

by Carlos Franco-Paredes MD, MPH and Vanessa Kung MD, MPH The death penalty is part of the history of racial discrimination in the United States and oppressive structures along with slavery, lynchings, and racial segregation.1,2 Over time, dramatic supreme justice decisions have led to controversial views surrounding its legality and morality.3,4 The advent in the 1980s […]

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