Exploring Hyperacusis: Ethno-Graphic Podcast

Visual Podcast by Luca M. Damiani Exploring Hyperacusis : Ethno-Graphic Podcast from Luca Damiani on Vimeo. In Exploring Hyperacusis: Ethno-Graphic Podcast, I look at the interaction with my conditions, focusing on auto-ethnographic data based on my acoustic condition of hyperacusis, as well as my asperger’s neurological condition. This work is shared as a diary, combining […]

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Visualizing my Acoustic Condition: Hyper Sensorial, Visual Graphic Poem

Video-Poem by Luca M. Damiani Below is the video-poem Hyper Sensorial. This work is shared combining the poem and creating graphics, further designing my experience. This is sided by a computational filter that conceptually signifies a further disruption of data, outer stimuli, as well as inner voice. In this piece I started to conceptualize more […]

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Visualizing my Acoustic Condition: Graphic Poem

Graphic Poem by Luca M. Damiani Following from the poem, I then wanted to bridge the emotional response to a more visual one, more coded, using data from the scientific and technical audiological tests, diagrams, tools. This process helped me to analyze and rationalize further observations, allowing a more distant perspective of the data and […]

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Visualizing my Acoustic Condition: Hyper Sensorial Neuro Response (Poem)

Poem by Luca M. Damiani There are many inner thoughts that the hyper sensorial acoustic disorder brings, and I started to write poems as an output. The first personal and emotional data-responses are collected via words in my diary, which I then analyze, review and build as further pieces of creative writing and poems. An […]

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Visualizing My Acoustic Condition: Poem, Graphics and Visual Podcast

Art-Essay by Luca M. Damiani Introduction / Overview The work presented in this art-essay is a hybrid format of artwork, case-study and diary reflection. Here I share auto-ethnographic data1 based on my acoustic condition of bilateral hyperacusis (both pain and vestibular type) and bilateral severe tinnitus.2 I started to suffer from these auditory disorders in […]

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Poetry and Medicine: Prize Winners

  In April I attended the 7th International Symposium on Poetry and Medicine where the 2016 Hippocrates Awards were announced. A fascinating day, the programme included critiques on Philip Larkin’s The Building, Celia de Freine Blood Debts, Mary Kennan Herbert’s Skin Man series, as well as a presentation on Poetry, Psychoanalysis and Ageing, and a discussion around the evidence for the benefits […]

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