HIIT – feasible, well tolerated, and beneficial in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Why is this study important? Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have an elevated risk of cardiovascular diseases compared with the general population. Their higher risk is linked to the systemic inflammatory process in combination with increased levels of traditional risk factors, for example hypertension, hyperlipidemia, high body mass index and smoking.  Physical activity and cardiorespiratory […]

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Can physiotherapists support patients with knee osteoarthritis and overweight and obesity to lose weight using diet and exercise?

Authors: Kim Allison, Jesse Pardo, Kim Bennell This blog summarises a recently published study. Why is this study important? Rising rates of obesity and an aging population are contributing to an increased prevalence of many chronic conditions, creating a significant burden on healthcare systems worldwide. Alternative models of care that extend practice roles for healthcare […]

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The MSK playbook – hand arthritis

Introduction Hand osteoarthritis (OA) is a common presentation in the musculoskeletal (MSK) clinic, impacting millions of patients worldwide.  It typically presents with pain, stiffness, and a significant reduction in joint function, which collectively disrupt daily activities and patients’ quality of life.  To effectively manage hand OA, MSK clinicians must be adept at diagnosing the condition […]

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ACL update…first day at UKSEM 2011, London

Reporting from UKsem 2011 – the largest Sports and Exercise Medicine and performance Conference in Europe. London’s Excel conference centre 23rd November – no downtime for the BJSM blog! Richard Frobell opened with 3 major revelations. #1. ACL injuries are associated with arthritis – whether you have a reconstruction or not.  (citation classic, 103 citations […]

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