Financial impact of injury, biometrics, and communication: Lessons from MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference 2016

By Sean Carmody (@seancarmody1) “We can’t win like everyone else, we have to do something different” Those are the words of Dr David Martin, Director of Performance and Research at the Philadelphia 76ers, who featured on the Sport Science panel at the 2016 MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference (SSAC). The sentiment related to the 76ers’ […]

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Rat Races, Referrals and Randomised Trials: Exercise Medicine Updates from Ireland

Undergraduate perspective on Sports & Exercise Medicine – a BJSM blog series By Fiachra Maguire (@Fiachrama) The annual Spring Study Day forms part of the Faculty of Sports Medicine in Ireland’s (@FSEM_IRL) educational series. Now in its third successive year, the event aims to provide a mix of sports related pathologies and more clinically applicable exercise […]

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Zurück zum Sport nach Verletzungen an der unteren Extremität  

By Keller Matthias Ob Freizeitsportler oder Profiathlet – nach einer Verletzung stellt sich dem Sportler immer die gleiche Fragen. “Wann kann ich wieder zurück zu meinem Sport?” Auch für Therapeuten ist es schwierig, diese Frage klar zu beantworten. Es zeichnet sich aber ab, dass Tests, welche Funktionen prüfen und sportartspezifische Belastungen simulieren als Entscheidungshilfe für […]

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Beating the odds: How the ACPSEM CPD pathway can help physios who want to work in sport

Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sport and Exercise Medicine blog series @PhysiosinSport By Nikki McLaughlin @Nikkimacphysio Having just read @sianknott‘s recent blog on behalf of @sport_wales, I am inspired to give a brief synopsis of how to use current and existing infrastructures of governing and professional bodies to progress through your career as a sport physio – being an Olympic year, […]

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Getting the best out of athletes: Load, Injuries and Determination

By Rory Heath (@roryjheath) and Xanni von Guionneau The Arsenal SEMS Conference “Marginal Gains in Sports Medicine” provided deep insight into attaining and maintaining the highest level of sporting performance in professional athletes. As the elite athletic population becomes more homogenous, the value of “marginal gains” in achieving podium finishes and championship titles is more important […]

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An unlikely candidate, a year as Professor of Physical Activity for Health

By Prof Chris Oliver After losing over 12 stone in weight, cycling across America, becoming a cycle campaigner, writing some policy on active travel and starting a few physical activity projects I became honorary professor physical activity for health at the University of Edinburgh. The “Sit Less, Walk More” message had finally come home to […]

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Struggling to provide evidence-based care to your patients? A knowledge broker can help: Case study of the Achilles Tendinopathy Toolkit

By Alison Hoens It isn’t easy. You want to provide your patients the most effective treatment but you are faced with a mountain of information from an insurmountable number of sources through endless links in your Google search. It isn’t just the volume of information; interpretation is thwarted by differences in methodologies and confusing statistics.  You […]

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Interested in Sports and Exercise Medicine? Three ‘must dos’ I learnt at the Football Medicine Strategies Conference

Undergraduate perspective on Sport & Exercise Medicine – a BJSM blog By Rory Heath (@roryjheath) In a rare moment of free time at the recent Isokinetic “Football Medicine Strategies” Conference, an audience of thirty prospective SEM clinicians gathered to attend an exclusive lunch break Q&A with Dr Peter Brukner and Professor Karim Khan. “How do we get the […]

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Research career opportunity: The Department of Physical Therapy, High Point University

The Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Sciences at High Point University announces a search for a research-focused faculty member. The Department of Physical Therapy at High Point University offers all of the resources of a research-intensive institution with none of the stress! We are currently housed in the Human Biomechanics and Physiology Laboratory, a 13,000 square foot […]

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