By Dr Dinesh Sirisena (@sports_med_doc) and Dr Joanne Probert (@probertjo) Dinesh was both Field of Play Lead and Match Day Doctor, and Joanne was Medical Director at the 2016 Rugby Sevens. They share their experience of being part of the medical team, when preparing for and delivering care and end with 5 take home points […]
Category: General
Sudden cardiac death in sport: time to simplify the guidelines to base them on mechanism and collapse – not breathing assessment.
By Dr Jonathan Hanson (@SportsDocSkye) Another on field cardiac death in sport. Another debate about screening and medical care. The successful resuscitation of Premier League football player Fabrice Muamba in 2012, in stark contrast to the tragic death of Marc Vivian Foe 9 years earlier, broadcast the role of basic life support and early defibrillation […]
Tackle injury mechanisms in sport: How different is past, present and future research?
By Sharief Hendricks My colleagues and I are currently working on a couple of reviews in rugby, and like most reviews, we went back as far as 1980. As we illustrated last year, the majority of rugby research has been published in the last ten years and a relatively small proportion has been produced before the […]
Counting down to Rio 2016 with the ‘Olympics Special Edition’- a BJSM treat!
The countdown has begun! From Friday 5th August, athletes from 206 countries will be vying for a place on the podium in over 300 events, aiming to secure a spot in the annals of history. Whilst it is the pinnacle of most athletes careers, as much of the honour and passion is shared amongst family, […]
Geeking Out at the Football Medicine Strategies Conference (BJSM’s 2015 Cover competition winner shares the story of her prize, and 5 take home messages)
By Christina Le @yegphysio I won registration to the Football Medicine Strategies Conference in London through a BJSM Twitter contest and lived to write about it. My blog highlights some of my favourite take home messages from the conference. Read about great clinical tips from Jill Cook, Tim Gabbett, Carl Askling, and more! Originally posted on […]
Is the Zika virus outbreak a threat to athletes’ performance at the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games?
Letter to the Editor By Rodrigo Luiz Vancini1, Marília dos Santos Andrade2, Cássia Regina Vancini-Campanharo3, Claudio Andre Barbosa de Lira 4 Dear Editor, Millions of people from all continents are expected in Brazil during the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio. These types of events are characterized by exposure of millions of international travelers to […]
Time to bring in pitch-side medical video replays in football – more important than goal line videos?
By Andrew Massey @andy_massey I listened with interest at the 2016 Isokinetic Conference where attendees discussed the importance of a medical team within the football community, and return to play. The event lived up to its reputation of creating a space for cutting edge science and practice innovation. Discussions of ‘best practices’ made me think about a […]
Step 1 for better manuscripts: acknowledge the wounded writer
By Erin Macri, @Erin_Macri With ease, we can all recall the moments in grad school that brought us to our knees. The red pen all over an assignment, an endless list of reviewer comments, a rejected manuscript, an unsuccessful application for funding. And no matter how successful we are, writing challenges resurface throughout our careers. A […]
Training fürs Leben – Bewegung ist Medizin
von Nash Anderson B.Sc M.Chiro und James Steele, PhD, Dozent für angewandte Sportwissenschaften an der Southampton Solent University Neulich, in der ärztlichen Praxis, hörte Nash die tolle Aussage eines Patienten, der sagte: „Die Leute fragen mich, warum ich die ganze Zeit ins Fitnessstudio gehe. Sie fragen mich, wofür ich trainiere. Ich trainiere fürs Leben!“ Quintessenz […]
5 Things I learned from the World Gymnastics Championships
By Rishi Dhand @rishidhand7 Excited, nervous, intrigued… I felt all of these emotions and more when I was asked to help as a doctor at the World Artistic Gymnastics Championships in October, 2015. It was the qualifying event for this year’s Olympic Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro. I recognize my fortune to participate at an […]