2017 Arsenal FC SEMS Conference Presented by Vitality Screening in Elite Sport: The Search for the Panacea to Optimise Player Performance 21 March 2017

Early Bird Booking Deadline – 31 January 2017  Senior SEMS practitioner or student – a day not to be missed!! Building on the great success of previous Arsenal FC SEMS conferences, Dr Gary O’Driscoll, Arsenal FC Medical Director, and Mr Colin Lewin, Head of Medical Services, are delighted to confirm the 2017 high level, interdisciplinary, […]

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World Sports PT Team Concept Conference in Las Vegas: much more than gambling!

By Mario Bizzini The notorious slogan “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” certainly did not apply for the recent Team Concept Conference, which was held in the renowned resort city in Nevada, US. Please just re-live the Twitter buzz on #TCC2016 to get a feeling of three exciting days (December 1 to 3, 2017) when […]

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Not all steps are equal: Changing algorithms in wearable trackers changes outcomes

By Muaddi Alharbi, Robyn Gallagher, Lis Neubeck, Adrian Bauman, Patrick Gallagher This blog discusses JM, a female patient recovering from a heart attack. She is just one example of many patients I have encountered who monitor and track their activity using a wearable tracker. JM shared her experiences and her disappointment that her normal walk […]

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And the award for the best 2015 BJSM PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Systematic Review goes to…

By Angela Spontelli Gisselman  (@ASGPhysio) and Christina Le (@yegphysio) Systematic reviews are the gold standard for critically appraising clinically relevant literature. Twice yearly, BJSM hosts a competition to award the authors of the “best” systematic review(s). Based on prior BJSM competitions, the “best” systematic reviews are determined following an objective, systematic appraisal process (see the end of this blog […]

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And the award for the best 2015 BJSM ‘Sports Injury and Illness’ Systematic Review goes to…

By Angela Spontelli Gisselman  (@ASGPhysio) and Christina Le (@yegphysio) Systematic reviews are the gold standard for critically appraising clinically relevant literature. Twice yearly, BJSM hosts a competition to award the authors of the “best” systematic review(s). Based on prior BJSM competitions, the “best” systematic reviews are determined following an objective, systematic appraisal process (see the end of […]

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Inside the Refugee Olympic Team with Team Doctor, Carlo Bagutti

Swiss Junior Doctors and Undergraduate Perspective on Sport and Exercise Medicine Blog Series By Artiom Ganchine, @ArtiomGanchine With the contribution of Justin Carrard, @Carrard.Justin The world is facing the biggest refugee crisis since World War II. In 2015 and according to the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), about 63 million people […]

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Introducing the Sports and Exercise Medicine Students Association (SEMSA) in Australia

Undergraduate perspective on Sport & Exercise Medicine – a BJSM blog series By Jacob Jewson (@jacobjewson, @SEMSA_Vic ) Co-authored by Mitchell Simpson and Jack Cookson (@JackCCookson) Why do we need a student association for sports and exercise medicine in Australia? Sport and exercise medicine is a growing health field across the world, particularly in Australia. Important […]

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Cardiovascular screening in athletes: time to refocus!

By Dave Siebert, MD, @DaveMSiebert When medical students learn about hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), one fact often resonates as a shocking and tragic reality: it frequently first presents as sudden death. Yet HCM is just one of a heterogeneous list of pathologic structural and electrical cardiac disorders that can cause sudden death in athletes without prior warning. […]

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An Open Letter to Tim Gabbett: Thank-you, I’m running harder and smarter.

By James Montgomery RE: The training-injury prevention paradox: should athletes be training smarter and harder (Open access) Br J Sports Med doi:10.1136/bjsports-2015-095788 Dear Dr. Gabbett, Thank you. Since reading your January 2016 article I can sincerely say I am running smarter and harder! You may ask ‘why did I decide to write a thank-you letter?’ Well there’s a […]

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