Pedal power: The health benefits of cycling outweigh the risks (by far)

The Physical Activity and Population Health BJSM Blog Series By Sonia Cheng @soniawmcheng The Tour de France. Lycra. Fending off swooping magpies during the Australian springtime. Cycling is perhaps the most iconic type of physical activity of them all, and as a mode of transport, has been proposed as a potential solution to the global pandemic of […]

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Football IS Medicine: Peter Krustrup’s drive to spread the important message

By Marcos Agostinho @MarcMedMD I first found out about Peter Krustrup and his ‘Football as Medicine’ crusade when I enrolled in FIFA’s Diploma in Football Medicine back in early 2016. And well, the rest is history. I met and interviewed Peter Krustrup during the 1st Football Is Medicine (FIM) International Conference in Portugal (Jan 25 – 26, […]

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High-intensity interval training (HIIT) after stroke: a big hit?

Swiss Junior Doctors and Undergraduate Perspective on Sport and Exercise Medicine Blog Series By Michiel R.M. Twiss @physiotwiss Stroke and ischemic heart disease accounted for 15 million out of 57 million deaths in 2016; these cardiovascular diseases have been the leading causes of death for the last 15 years [1]. Stroke incidence is proportionally related to age – […]

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Wellbeing in sport for Northern Ireland: National Action Plan 2018-2023

By Dr Gavin Breslin @breslin_g and Dr Paul Donnelly Positive engagement with sport is associated with an array of physical, emotional and psychosocial health benefits (Breslin et al, 2017). Emerging evidence suggests that competitive sport, by nature, can also contribute to poor mental health, in particular when athletes experience insufficient support (Bauman 2016). There is a growing […]

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Sollten wir beim Umgang mit Menschen mit nicht-traumatischen Schmerzen des Bewegungsapparates nicht langsam anfangen, unser Handeln zu überdenken?

  To read this BJSM Editorial in English, go here. Übersetzt aus dem Englischen von: Isabel Schneider @isi69schneider Link zum Originaltext Jeremy Lewis, Peter O’Sullivan Die derzeitige Herangehensweise ist nicht zielführend Die Mehrheit anhaltender, nicht-traumatischer Schmerzzustände des Bewegungsapparats lassen sich nicht auf eine pathoanatomische Diagnose zurückführen, die in der Lage wäre, individuelle Schmerzen und Einschränkungen ausreichend […]

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Surprisingly low levels of Vitamin D in cyclists

Dr Nicky Keay, Sports and Dance Endocrinologist There is growing evidence that for athletes, being replete in vitamin D is important for many key areas of health and performance. For bone health, muscle strength and to support immune function. At the recent International Association of Dance Medicine conference, in addition to presenting on Dance Endocrinology I also […]

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Social media activity at ISPAH 2018: running to keep up

By Graham Mackenzie @gmacscotland Social media shakes up traditional models of broadcasting. Two years ago Chris Oliver, Andrew Murray and I wrote an editorial describing how, from Edinburgh, UK, we had used Twitter to view and share information with the International Society of Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) conference in Bangkok, Thailand (November 2016).[1] The ISPAH […]

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#MovementForMovement 2018 evidence update launch

This press release was originally posted on Council of Deans of Health. Updated resources for 2018 have been released to support the teaching of exercise medicine for the prevention and treatment of disease in undergraduate health and medicine programmes. Working with universities across the UK, Exercise Works! have updated the #MovementforMovement resources to include all recent evidence on physical activity […]

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Official invite to ALL Sport and Exercise Medicine professionals! Join us in Queenstown this February for the ACSEP Annual Conference #ACSEP19

  On behalf of the 2019 Conference Committee, we are thrilled to invite you to attend the Australasian College of Sport and Exercise Physicians (ACSEP) Annual Scientific Conference. We would like to extend a special invitation to postgraduate students. As future leaders in sports and exercise medicine, you will have the opportunity to present your research […]

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Rugby Union injuries: future research

Stuart Bailey @stujohnbailey, Edinburgh Napier University & Scottish Rugby PhD Student As the 2018/19 rugby union season continues, player welfare is (once again) a hot topic amongst pundits, the media, and fans. Rugby at the community level is a form of physical activity and has overall physical health and wellness benefits. But what about elite players? […]

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