8 health benefits of tennis

  Video by Jennifer Duncan @JenniferDunca10⁩ and Babette Pluim @DocPluim  Tennis is one of the most popular sports throughout the world, with approximately 75 million participants worldwide. Watch the below video to find out the health benefits of playing tennis: Based on BJSM Infographic: Pluim BM, Groppel JL, Miley D, et al. Health benefits of tennis. Br J Sports Med 2018;52:201-202. Watch our […]

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I guess that’s positive: soft-embalmed cadavers and a medical student’s journey towards physical exam competency

  By James Ross Bailey During the first two years of medical school, students are taught physical exam maneuvers by either practicing on each other or by using Standardized Patients (SPs). These SPs are paid actors that act out a variety of medical conditions. They play an important role in medical education. But, what SPs […]

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Japan Sports PT – Road to #Tokyo2020

日本のスポーツ理学療法- #東京2020 Japan Sports PT – Road to #Tokyo2020 Dr Mario Bizzini @SportfisioSwiss reporting from Japan  Jan 16 This January, I visited Japan to see what’s happening in the sports Physical Therapy (PT) world in the lead up to the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympic Games. After landing in Tokyo, I made the trip north to Sapporo, […]

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What’s the deal with the BJSM Approved stamp?!

Predatory conferences are widespread so #TeamBJSM introduced the BJSM Education Stamp of Approval to help you recognise credible events in Sports Physiotherapy and Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM). How do we determine quality education? Is the organising society/ research agency/ institution real? Credibility of Scientific Planning Committee (SPC) members and faculty members Sex balance: Scientific Planning […]

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Twisting Somersaults, Triple Axels, Tours en l’air, The Firework, Silks

  By Alexander McKinven @ACPSEMdance Aerialists, performers, divers, gymnasts, acrobats, dancers, figure skaters, medics, physios and support staff in the artistic athlete world are all invited to the beautiful city of Edinburgh, Scotland on March 30th for a unique opportunity. The Association of Chartered Physiotherapist in Sports and Exercise Medicine, the International Association for Dance Medicine and […]

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Concussion in the AFL: do we need to see a policy change for all levels of the game?

By Mark Alcock @mark_alcock92  Yes I know, another piece on concussion in sport, original right? Well, unless you’ve lived under a rock you’ll know concussion in contact sport has been a hot topic for the past decade; and although an inevitable reality of competition the management of concussion needs to improve. In the AFL this […]

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What’s so good about Menstrual Cycles? 

By Dr Nicky Keay @nickyKfitness Menstrual periods are a barometer of healthy hormones. The evolutionary purpose of ovulation is to reproduce. Furthermore the carefully biologically choreographed variation of hormones that occurs during an ovulatory menstrual cycle is crucial to health and athletic performance. Why? Hormones are chemical messengers that have far reaching effects throughout the body and […]

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Sports Medicine 2019 — Harvard Medical School CME course presents a multidisciplinary, team-based approach to optimize care of the athlete

By Adam Tenforde, MD @AdamTenfordeMD I invite you to Sports Medicine 2019 to learn a state-of-the-art, comprehensive approach to evaluate and treat sports injuries. This BJSM Approved quality international education is provided by Harvard Medical School and creates an opportunity to learn directly from world-renowned physiatrists, orthopedists, radiologists, and physical therapists on the cutting edge of sports […]

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