Soft tissue injuries simply need PEACE & LOVE


By Blaise Dubois @blaisedubois and Jean-Francois Esculier @JFEsculier

Rehabilitation of soft tissue injuries can be complex. Over the years, acronyms guiding their management have evolved from ICE to RICE[1], then to PRICE[2] and POLICE[3]. Although widely known, the evidence for these treatments is limited.  ICE/RICE/PRICE focus on acute management and ignore sub-acute and chronic stages of tissue healing.

We posit that two new acronyms can optimize recovery. Our acronyms encompass the rehabilitation continuum from immediate care (PEACE) to subsequent management (LOVE). PEACE & LOVE underscores the importance of educating patients and addressing psychosocial factors to enhance recovery. In addition, while anti-inflammatories show benefits on pain and function, our acronyms flag their potentially harmful effects on optimal tissue repair.[4] We suggest that they may not be included in the standard management of soft tissue injuries.

Please see the full FREE paper in the BJSM here.

Do you agree with us? Let us know what you think! Tag us on Twitter with the hashtag #PeaceLove @blaisedubois @JFEsculier @BJSMPlus to continue the conversation.

PS- This blog and infographic are also available in French and Spanish!


Competing interests

None declared

Blaise Dubois (@blaisedubois) is the president and founder of The Running Clinic, an organization providing continuing education internationally. In the clinic and in research, Blaise is interested in the prevention and treatment of running injuries, with a particular focus on footwear and biomechanics. He is also an avid runner and co-owner of PCN physiotherapy clinics (Quebec City, Canada).

Jean-Francois Esculier (@JFEsculiercombines clinical research (Department of Physical Therapy, University of British Columbia) with patient care (Allan McGavin Sports Medicine Clinic, Vancouver) and knowledge translation (The Running Clinic, Canada). He loves to educate and empower patients so they can become the main actor of their rehabilitation. Email:


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