Can you hear me coach? A communication model for field sport games

By Garrett Fintan Coughlan @garrett_physio, Andy Friend @andyfriend2011, Brian Green @briangreen36 and Jonathan Hanson @sportsdocskye In the high pressure environment of professional field sports games, growing numbers of medical personnel are required to provide care. The interprofessional environment has created a higher demand on non-technical skills called ‘human factors’ which include situational awareness, decision making, […]

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Missing in action: “Where is my Mojo?”

By Dr. Eleanor Quested (corresponding author) @el.quested, Elizabeth Murdoch (@liz_murds), Dr. Nikki Stamp (@drnikkistamp), Dr. Robin Lines (@DrRobinLines), Prof. Nikos Ntoumanis (@NikosNtoumanis) and Prof. Cecilie Thogersen-Ntoumani (@ecthogersen) Tips to find motivation to be active during the pandemic, and beyond…. COVID-19 has turned our lives upside down, and changed our physical activity habits too. For some, […]

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Concerned about COVID-19 and the athletic heart? Prof Jon Drezner gives insight. Episode #427

 BJSM Friday Podcast #426 Are you involved in the care of athletes, and now planning their return to sport? Have you fully considered their cardiac health, especially in those with suspected/confirmed novel coronavirus infection? In this 15-minute podcast with Prof Jon Drezner, one of the world’s leading Sports Cardiologists & Team Physicians, we dive into […]

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How to fix the problems of exercise prescription in the NBA: challenges and tips to move forward

By Matthew Tuttle @DocTuttleDPT ,Steve Short @steveshortdpt ,and Paul Marshall @pwmmarshall The National Basketball Association (NBA) is a high-intensity sport, with substantial challenges from the length and physical demands of the season, travel demands, time zone changes, irregular sleep patterns, and professional (i.e. media, sponsor) demands (table 1). Within this context there are challenges for […]

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Orthobiologics: Is this the new advancement in non-operative sport medicine? Episode #426

BJSM Friday Podcast #426 In this week’s podcast host Dr. Giorgio Negron, MD is joined by Dr. Kenneth Mautner, MD on the AMSSM Sports Medcast to discuss orthobiologics, specifically PRP, stem cell treatments, and the current evidence for their use. Dr. Mautner is an associate professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and […]

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When can professional sport recommence safely during the COVID-19 pandemic? Risk Assessment and factors to consider

By Sean Carmody1,2, Andrew Murray1,3,4, Mariya Borodina5, Vincent Gouttebarge6,7, Andrew Massey8 The COVID-19 pandemic has had, and will have, profound effects on every person on earth. Measures advocated by the World Health Organisation (WHO), and put in place by National Governments, businesses and individuals will save millions of lives, but current movement restrictions (i.e., various […]

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Physical activity for children under 5 years during COVID-19: Play your way and keep moving while at home.

By Simone Tomaz @sim_tomaz, Samantha Fawkner @s_fawkner, Ailsa Niven @AilsaNiven, Steven Hanson @SteveFloatBoat, Chloë Williamson @Chlobobs_, Paul Kelly @narrowboat_paul and Coral L Hanson @HansonCoral The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live and for many parents of children under-5, life at home may be upside down, giving new meaning to the word ‘chaos’. Without childcare and facilities for under-5s, […]

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Anxiety and insomnia in athletes during the COVID era: Part 1 – Foundation and Facts

  By Drs Carla Edwards @Edwards10Carla and Meeta Singh @athletesleepmd1  Anxiety and Insomnia, respectively, are the most prevalent psychiatric and sleep disorders experienced by the general public, and anxiety and insomnia symptoms are highly prevalent among elite athletes. While each may exist without the other, they are often common partners. Additionally, they serve as risk […]

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Mental health in Athletes and COVID-19 – Phil and Georgia Hopley discuss. Episode#425

   BJSM Friday Podcast #425 In this week’s podcast, Dr Phil Hopley explains to Dr Will Wynter Bee the impact of the COVID crisis on athletes’ mental health as well as discussing his role in setting up mental health services for the European tour. He also provides insights into how, clinically, he assesses and manages mental […]

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