‘Care of the Female Athlete’ special theme issue: AMSSM call for manuscripts

The American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) is soliciting submissions for publication in the February 2014 issue of the BJSM. This AMSSM themed issue will focus on the broad topic of “Care of the Female Athlete”. (See the cover of the 2013 AMSSM special issue of BJSM at right). 


Manuscript submissions can be in any area of sports medicine as it pertains to women in sport. Submission ideas can include but are not limited to those manuscripts that are cutting edge, highlight current areas of significant clinical interest or debate, focus on a novel treatment or training regimen.

Deadline for original manuscripts  is  September 15, 2013

They must be submitted to the BJSM Editorial office by this date to be considered. Instructions to authors can be found HERE . Submissions should be sent to http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/bjsm.

In your cover letter, reference that the paper is being submitted for the AMSSMease also send an email with the title of the paper you’re submitting to both Dr. Joy (eajslc@aol.com) and Dr. Logan (kelsey.logan@cchmc.org), and copy BJSM Editor Karim Khan, MD, PhD (karim.khan@ubc.ca)

Submission of a manuscript for the themed issue does not guarantee acceptance. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed.

The AMSSM (@TheAMSSM), one of BJSM’s 13 member societies, is excited to have this opportunity to highlight “Care of the Female Athlete” in this BJSM issue. We are confident that we can have exceptional representation from our AMSSM membership and from other contributors.

Yours in sport and exercise medicine,

Elizabeth Joy, MD, MPH

Kelsey Logan, MD

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