ACL update…first day at UKSEM 2011, London

Reporting from UKsem 2011 – the largest Sports and Exercise Medicine and performance Conference in Europe. London’s Excel conference centre 23rd November – no downtime for the BJSM blog!

Richard Frobell opened with 3 major revelations. #1. ACL injuries are associated with arthritis – whether you have a reconstruction or not.  (citation classic, 103 citations to date).

#2. Give a piece of rehabilitation a chance! Not everyone needs a knee reconstruction. Really? New England Journal of Medicine RCTs demonstrating that = 1; disputing it = 0. (See Frobell, 2010, 53 citations already), THE hot topic of 2010/2011 and great to have Dr Frobell here himself. Audience experts included the IOC’s Lars Engebretsen so discussion was energetic. They were seen breakfasting together later so no risk of Scandinavian Spring just yet.

#3. There is limited return to sporting activity after ACL rupture. With or without surgery. This is where I was about to slash up. Depressing keynote stuff. Who chose him?

But then the good news. Prevention is key and possible. There are success stories. More of that tomorrow’s program. Sessions on prevention of football and tennis injuries, of knee and groin debacles. Hope springs eternal, no need to jump into the boxing ring that is available here for conference attendees. No need to walk up to the fencers, brandishing only the complimentary Prograin Minitub from maximuscle and say in true Homer Simpson fashion, ‘give it your best shot pal, I don’t need that poncy white protective gear, go on, try me!’.

Seriously though, I am a Frobell fan as BJSM readers and podcast listeners know. Great clinical insights, great presentation. Privilege to be in the shop at the same time as the KneeMaster.

Great day planned for Thursday 24th and BJSM Blog will be there. Blair, Dvorak, Daniel Coyle from the Talent Code, Bahr, Franklin-Miller. Track us on @BJSM_BMJ and you’ll be first with the updates. And competitions are in the wings!

Say hi to journal manager Claire Jura at the BJSM booth (ground floor, right side) and sign up for free stuff.

And do your ACL prevention exercises daily!

Teaser video – Richard Frobell kindly agreed to do a 20-second spot for the podcast of a conversation on ACL management he had with Lars Engebretsen. The discussion will be hosted on the BJSM podcasts – which are getting 4000 listens per month!

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