Calling for help! What is the best example of a successful physical activity intervention that has made a sustained difference?

I’m tweaking my presentation for ACSM relating to ‘implementation’ and I’m keen to share success stories – or ‘bright lights’ as the Heath Brothers call it.

Which interventions have made kids move? Helped adults reach the guidelines?  What about agitating the aged? (sorry!).  Gortmaker’s Planet Health, Sallis’ CATCH, and van Mechelen’s various studies at work and in the community come to mind. Agita Mundo, Rockhampton’s 10,000 steps, Action Schools! Anne Karen Jenum’s program for the low-income multi-ethnic community in Oslo.

But there are great ones I am missing!  There is Wisdom in Crowds (and  these days Cloud(s)) so please tell me your favourite and why!

Please comment below or if you are shy, email me directly at

Your prize? I’ll give credit when I do the talk (and include your slide if it is your study!), I’ll thank you here or on Twitter (@BJSM_BMJ)  if you prefer, and I can enter you in a draw to fly around the world on Qantas. (All are true but one.)

I am keen to distinguish between ‘efficacy’ (RCT etc.) and ‘effectiveness’ – in the real word.  I seek evidence of action, rather than words/papers on a shelf.  Thanks for thinking about it!   The email again?

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