SRH Reports from around the globe

International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion The ICMA have launched a new international campaign for women’s right to safe abortion. Individuals and organisations are invited to join the campaign in advance of 28 May, the International Day of Action for Women’s Health. To read more and to register support go to UNFPA […]

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Faculty Initiatives & Fitness to Practice

Crucial Issues for Health Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and Local Health & Wellbeing Strategies Joint Guidance has been published by FSRH, BASHH, fpa, Brook, BHIVA, MedFASH, NAT, THT & NHIVNA to guide and assist Local Authorities who are preparing to commission sexual & reproductive health & HIV services when local government takes up its new […]

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Another flawed database analysis of VTE risk and hormonal contraceptives

Lidegaard O, Nielson LH, Skovlund CW, Lokkegaard E. Venous thrombosis in users of non-oral hormonal contraception: follow-up study, Denmark 2001-10 BMJ 2012;344:e2990 doi: 10.1136/bmj.e2990 (Published 10 May 2012) This is basically a companion paper to the one published last year in the BMJ, which concentrated on the Pill and was comprehensively criticised in the January […]

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Melinda Gates’ New Crusade & Confirmation that IUD is most effective for EC

Melinda Gates’ New Crusade: Investing Billions in Women’s Health Melinda Gates this week pledged billions of dollars to be spent on improving access to contraception. In her many travels she repeatedly met women who were unable to gain access to something which most of the rest of the world take for granted. In an interview […]

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News items from April

Better access to birth control would reduce stress on global resources as reported by Nigel Hawkes in the BMJ. The rich should consume less and the poor should procreate less, says the Royal Society in a new report. The report was produced by a working party chaired by John Sulston, who headed the UK part […]

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NHS flouts national guidance on contraception as cuts bite:

new audit reveals shocking truth as 3.2m women face restrictions in access to contraceptives or services A new audit of the commissioning of contraceptive and abortion services in England has revealed a stark picture of inequality in women’s healthcare, with a third of women of reproductive age unable to choose from the full range of […]

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All Party Parliamentary Group launches enquiry into restrictions in access to contraceptive services.

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Sexual and Reproductive Health in the UK (APPGSRH) has launched an inquiry and call for evidence into restrictions in access to contraceptive services. Examples have already been seen of commissioners cutting prescribing budgets for contraceptive methods to meet targets for savings, with consequences for choice and public health outcomes. In addition […]

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What is The Course of 5?

The Course of 5 (C5) is the 2nd stage of the new DFSRH blended learning training package – it provides a link between the theory element (e-SRH) and the practical, clinical assessments (ACP). What is involved in C5? 5 one-hour, assessed workshops in groups of no more than 4 per facilitator. These are usually offered […]

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Journal highlights – April issue

This quarter’s Journal includes the following: Redefinition of women’s health care Last year the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists published ‘High Quality Women’s Health Care: a Proposal for Change’ that proposed a radical change to the structure of UK women’s health services. Andrew Horne and Johannes Bitzer discuss this exciting document from both a […]

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CQC visits to Abortion clinics announced to media ahead of providers

This report from Jennie Bristow (editor, Abortion Review) 23 March 2012 UK: Health Secretary launches shock wave of inspections on abortion clinics The Health Secretary, Andrew Lansley, yesterday announced to the UK media that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) would be carrying out a series of ‘unannounced inspections’ on abortion clinics throughout the UK to […]

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