Bits and Pieces

Consultation to lift ban on HIV-positive doctors and dentists: according to media reports last week the DH is set to launch a consultation on lifting the ban imposed 20 years ago. Many believe the ban to be discriminatory, no longer justified on public health grounds and ignored in most hospitals who reportedly have a ‘don’t […]

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COC / VTE Controversy continues

Following publication of the extended analysis of the Danish Cohort Study on VTE risk (with combined oral contraceptives with different progestogens and oestrogen doses) in the BMJ and the rapid responses since, Shapiro S and Dinger J have now produced a Commentary for the January 2012 edition of the Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive […]

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World AIDS Day 2011

On the 23rd World AIDS Day As part of a piece in the Chelsea & Westminster GP Newsletter, Consultant Rachel Jones and Specialist Registrar Michael Rayment write of the situation in the UK: Treatment is freely available, but is limited to those who know their HIV sero-status.  The HIV epidemic in the UK continues to […]

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RCOG – Abortion Guidelines & Honorary Fellowships

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) has, this week, published its revised guidelines on the care of women requesting induced abortion. The recommendations cover commissioning and organising services, possible side effects and complications, pre-abortion management, abortion procedures and follow up care.  A summary of new and improved recommendations and link to Q&A’s are […]

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Online First & Museums

The following 2 articles were published via jfprhc Online First this week: Advances in intrauterine technique training (Connolly) This article describes an innovative new way for doctors and nurses to be able to learn how to fit intrauterine devices and systems with realistic simulation, which is much better than a ‘Zoe’. This should increase their confidence […]

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Faculty Gains NHS Accreditation for Guidelines

The Clinical Effectiveness Unit (CEU) of the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) has achieved NHS Accreditation for the process used to produce its guidelines. The NHS Evidence Accreditation Scheme recognises organisations that demonstrate high standards in producing health or social care guidance. It is stated that users of accredited guidance can therefore have […]

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Risk of VTE with combined oral contraceptives

Readers are signposted to the Rapid Responses at BMJ Online following last week’s publication of an extended analysis of the Danish Cohort Study on VTE risk with combined oral contraceptives with different progestogens and oestrogen doses. Volunteers required for CEU guidance The CEU are looking for volunteers to be involved in the development of the […]

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Horror in the 21st Century

As Halloween and Trick or Treat approach we face an even greater horror, as Monday 31st October 2011 is the day the world’s population is forecast to crash the 7 billion barrier only 12 years after it passed 6 billion. Despite overall rates of fertility falling and the basic right of all women to manage […]

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Surveys & Statistics

SHout Loud (Sexual Health Out Loud) is a website based on a partnership between Terrence Higgins Trust, FPA, African Health Policy Network, National AIDS Trust, MedFASH and Brook. It aims to provide information about sexual health by geographical area. It is conducting 2 surveys, one for service users and one for service providers with the […]

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