The UK Sexual Health Awards 2012 winners announced

The celebration, hosted by Nitin Ganatra (Eastenders), to mark the hard work and dedication of people involved in sexual health across the UK took place at Troxy, London. Celebrities, including Janet Ellis, Zoe Margolis, Sharon Marshall, Johnny Partridge and our own Susan Quilliam and Alison Hadley were in attendance to show support and present awards to: […]

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Celebrating International Women’s Day

“This International Women’s Day, the world’s women have much to celebrate: maternal mortality rates are declining after years of stagnation; the importance of maternal health is receiving unprecedented attention; and one solution in our efforts to save women’s lives during childbirth, misoprostol, is gaining significant traction globally. But we have further to go for the […]

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‘Sexual Pleasures’ Lecture at RSM

Susan Quilliam, Consumer Correspondent of the JFPRHC writes: Last Friday saw the ‘Sexual Pleasures’ lecture, a regular annual event in the RSM’s Sexuality and Sexual Health section’s seminar calendar. The Journal was delighted to see that Lesley Smith, curator of Tutbury Castle, specialist in historical sexuality, and author of many a fascinating article for our […]

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Faculty News

Amendments to FSRH Guidance Documents: Drug Interactions and Emergency Contraception Drug Interactions (2011): Page 9 of the original version of this CEU Guidance Document (issued in January 2011) incorrectly stated that the interaction between lamotrigine and combined hormonal contraception (CHC) only applies to lamotrigine monotherapy. CHC also reduces lamotrigine levels when lamotrigine is combined with […]

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Journal: January 2012 and News

The January edition of the Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care includes a number of articles previously available at Online First (the Dinger/Shapiro VTE commentary, Advances in IUD training by Connolly & Rybowski and Brown’s study looking at young mens’ views on contraception) as well as: a thought-provoking commentary by Raine-Fenning et al […]

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More on the Million Women Study Critique, International Day of Zero Tolerance Day for FGM and Involving Fathers in Maternity Care

Shapiro Million Women Study (MWS) Critique There has been more publicity around the Shapiro Million Women Study (MWS) critique: Does hormone replacement therapy cause breast cancer? An application of causal principles to three studies. Part 4. The Million Women Study by Samuel Shapiro, Richard D T Farmer, John C Stevenson, Henry G Burger, Alfred O […]

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Recent Online First articles (including the Million Women Study critique)

There has been a flurry of articles published at Online First this month: 1) Syncope and profound bradycardia associated with intrauterine contraceptive procedures by Aisling Baird, Jane Dickson, Mary Jensen and Martin Talbot (Case Report) David Horwell (Advisory Editor) writes: Avoiding a shocking experience ‘Cervical shock’ – severe bradycardia and loss of consciousness due to […]

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Review of the year 2011

It has been a busy and eventful year in sexual and reproductive health: January saw the launch of the new-look Journal of Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care as it joined the BMJ family. Readers will have noticed many improvements, not least the website and early online publishing. February The joint Faculty / e-Learning for […]

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Online First and Emergency Contraception for Christmas

The latest article to be published at Online First is: Questions about intimate partner violence should be part of contraceptive counselling: findings from a community-based longitudinal study in Nicaragua by Mariano Salazar, Eliette Valladares, Ulf Högberg. Neelima Deshapande (Associate editor) writes: Effect of domestic violence on contraceptive choice Sadly, domestic violence against women continues in […]

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