What is The Course of 5?

The Course of 5 (C5) is the 2nd stage of the new DFSRH blended learning training package – it provides a link between the theory element (e-SRH) and the practical, clinical assessments (ACP).

What is involved in C5? 5 one-hour, assessed workshops in groups of no more than 4 per facilitator. These are usually offered as a one-day or 2 half day package organised locally by Faculty Registered Trainers. They can also be done as 5 individual sessions.

When can I do thisC5 cannot be undertaken until you have registered for the diploma and e-portfolio and have completed the e-SRH sessions. It must be passed before moving on to clinical practice.

What is covered? The content is fixed by the Faculty and covers:
Session 1 – Taking a Sexual History and HIV pre test discussion and testing
Session 2 – STI Screening and Testing and Teaching the use of Condoms
Session 3 – Practical Aspects of Contraception – including diaphragm and implant fitting
Session 4 – Young people; Consent, Confidentiality, Fraser Guidelines and Safeguarding children
Session 5 – Managing Sensitive Scenarios – dealing with unwanted pregnancy, psycho sexual problems and referral for sterilisation.

How is it assessed? There are 9 assessment criteria in which you must demonstrate active and appropriate participation in all the sessions.

How do I access a C5? A list of local contact details is available from the Faculty website.

How much does it cost? The courses are costed locally and will vary according to set up.

Where can I get more information? For full details visit the Faculty website training section

I am a nurse – can I do the Course? The simple answer is yes, but it may depend where you live and who is organising C5 in your area. Nurses cannot gain the Faculty diploma but can do the e-SRH sessions and C5. In some areas nurses are using this to access training in SRH and some clinics may then be happy to offer clinical assessment too.

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