Faculty Initiatives & Fitness to Practice

Crucial Issues for Health Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and Local Health & Wellbeing Strategies

Joint Guidance has been published by FSRH, BASHH, fpa, Brook, BHIVA, MedFASH, NAT, THT & NHIVNA to guide and assist Local Authorities who are preparing to commission sexual & reproductive health & HIV services when local government takes up its new public health responsibilities in April 2013.  In the coming months every Local Authority will need to:
– complete a Health Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
– establish a Health & Wellbeing Strategy & investment plan
– prepare to commission public health services.

FSRH response to APPG inquiry

The Faculty has published its response to the APPG on SRH inquiry into restriction on access to contraceptive services as outlined in the blog of 20th April.

Workforce Census 2012

Service representatives are directed to the Faculty Workforce Census for 2012. Forms are available online via the FSRH website and need to be completed by 30th June 2012.

GMC Fitness to Practise reforms

From 11 June 2012 the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) will be the new impartial adjudication service for the medical profession in the UK. The MPTS will hear all fitness to practise cases about doctors and makes decisions on what action is needed to protect patients, if any. The MPTS is part of the GMC, but it is operationally separate from the GMC’s work in investigating complaints about doctors and presenting cases at hearings. Complete guide to the MPTS available from FSRH website.

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