The Journal – July Issue

Highlights from this issue include:

Norethisterone and VTE risk

Diana Mansour’s article previewed at online first and in the 15th June blog. See page 148

Helping women with hirsutism

Editor’s Choice article – Stephen Franks provides useful guidance for helping women with this common and often distressing condition. See page 182

US administration’s attitude to family planning

The winner of the 2010 Margaret Jackson Prize Essay for undergraduate medical students has looked at the differences between the Bush and Obama administrations’ attitudes to family planning and abortion. See page 187

Avoiding a shocking experience with intrauterine contraceptive procedures.

Aisling Baird et al. make a compelling case for adherence to the current Faculty and UK Resuscitation Council guidelines. The last time this issue was raised, in the January 2011 edition of the journal, a flood of letters followed. See page 191

Nurse Training in the UK

Shelley Mehigan & Janice Burnett describe and discuss the Berkshire training programme for nurses which mimics the DFSRH. See page 194

The SDM: a realistic option for longer-term use

A report on the experience of nearly 500 women who used the Standard Days Method for between 2 and 3 years. See page 150

CycleBeads: the latest in ‘contraceptive jewellery’!

Describes CycleBeads®, a colour-coded string of beads, that are a visual tool that helps women use the SDM correctly. See page 157

Ovarian and cervical cancer: better awareness, earlier recognition, improved outcome?

Simon and colleagues developed and validated reliable disease-specific Cancer Awareness Measurement tools for both forms of cancer, testing them in matched comparison groups. See page 167

Encouraging IUD uptake after medical TOP

Sharon Cameron and colleagues in Edinburgh created a fast-track referral service so that women who had undergone early medical abortion & wished to use intrauterine contraception afterwards could be seen promptly for fitting. See page 175

Psychosexual therapists speak out

Psychosexual therapy can seem like one of the dark arts, but in this issue Consumer Correspondent Susan Quilliam brings us the therapists’ own stories. See page 196


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