We can’t wait to hear from a NASA astronaut and doctor. James Bagian is coming over from the US specially to speak at our conference, Junior Doctors: Agents for Change, […]
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Frances Dixon on antibiotic misuse
I overheard an interesting conversation the other day. One man was telling his friend about an inflamed joint he’d had a few weeks previously. He had gone to his GP […]
Richard Lehman’s journal blog, 11 May 2009
The medical eponymous genitive is only one of many things on Richard’s mind this week. He makes the distinction between Important Sounding Surrogate End Points (ISSEPs) and Patient Important End […]
Julia Riley on end of life care
The last nine months have seen significant efforts to break down the national reserve which surrounds talking about end of life care and death. The launch pad was the Government’s […]
Mairi Scott and Tom Love on pandemic flu training for retired health care professionals
Pressures on the workforce are going to be one of the big challenges for the NHS in a pandemic. One strategy which might help with this problem is to draw upon […]
Joe Collier on manoeuvres for avoiding Mexican flu
Mexican (swine) flu is clearly a threat. It is difficult to know exactly how best to avoid being infected, and although the risks for a Londoner are remote here are […]
Julian Sheather on Bobby Baker’s diary drawings
Representations of mental illness are traditionally menaced by two kinds of distortion, distortions that seem to pull in opposing directions. The first, and far the most common, is that the […]
Tracey Koehlmoos on chronic disease management in Bangladesh
Maybe you have never thought about Bangladesh and do not know Dhaka from Dakar, but I do. I think about Bangladesh every day. I have lived in South Asia long […]
Richard Lehman’s journal blog, 3 May 2009
A week of small increments than radical breakthroughs in the medical journal sees Richard break into poetry when faced with some particularly fanciful drug names… […]
Juliet Walker: BMJ in the news
The swine flu pandemic has dominated the news in the last few days. In a BMJ editorial, Richard Coker argues that, “as the virus is present in several countries, trying […]