In software design, involving end users in design and decision-making processes, so called participatory design, is sometimes referred to as “the Scandinavian approach.” This is because back in the 1970s, […]
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Will the Indian variant B.1.617.2 delay England’s lockdown roadmap?
On Monday 10 May Boris Johnson, the UK prime minister, gave an optimistic appraisal of the state of the UK’s covid pandemic and announced that the next step in easing […]
How the community mental health framework can help community services to grow
One of the saddest things I’ve seen is patients who have been let down by a lack of service integration, who have had to tell their story multiple times and […]
Martin McKee: What went wrong in the UK’s covid-19 response?
One day we may know, but Boris Johnson is in no hurry, writes Martin McKee In May 2020, Sarah Wollaston, Mike Gill, and I called for a rapid inquiry into […]
It takes the whole health system to improve quality of care for mothers and newborns
A new WHO report on improving quality of care for maternal, newborn, and child health argues that it takes time to bring about changes in quality of care In 2017, […]
Covid-19: What should we do about B.1.617.2? A classic case of decision making under uncertainty
The new variant of concern has fundamentally changed the risk we face and therefore the government’s criteria for moving ahead with the road map have not been met, argue Stephen […]
Ann Robinson’s research reviews—14 May 2021
Ann Robinson reviews the latest research from the top medical journals […]
Jeffrey Aronson: When I Use a Word . . . -omics
This week, as last week, in my pursuit of new biomedical words that have appeared in the last 50 years, I am investigating words first listed in the Oxford English […]
“So, why medicine? Why do you want to be a doctor?”
“Why do you want to be a doctor?” It’s a question that many medical applicants are urged to have an answer for as they prepare to be interviewed for entry […]
Giles Maskell: The curse of the priors
I used to joke that radiology is getting easier because as we carry out more and more imaging, soon everyone will have a previous scan with which to compare. The […]