The King’s Fund’s new analysis of serious and growing financial pressures in the NHS should serve as a wake up call to politicians of all parties. As the analysis shows, with […]
The King’s fund
Candace Imison: The future provider landscape—are foundation trusts taking us down a dead end?
A year ago NHS commissioning was ripped up by its roots, divided up and then pushed back into the soil. Like the plants in my garden that get such rough […]
Sarah Gregory: What can we learn from how other countries fund health and social care?
England is not alone in facing the implications of an ageing population with changing patterns of illness. To inform the work of the independent commission on the future of health […]
Vijaya Nath: Medical revalidation: trauma, trivia, triumph
The United Kingdom is the first country in the world to introduce the mandatory revalidation of its medical workforce. How does this process feel for those engaged in it? The […]
Richard Humphries: A year is a long time in the politics of integrated care
When Andy Burnham set out his vision for “whole person care” at The King’s Fund last year, few would have disagreed with his crisp summation of the need to move […]
David Buck: Tackling health inequalities: we need a national conversation
In one of The King’s Fund’s most popular and commented on Time to Think Differently blogs last year, Gabriel Scally questioned whether we had lost the battle to tackle health […]
Chris Ham: Making general practice fit for the future
General practice represents a paradox. On the one hand, it is widely and rightly viewed around the world as a model of primary care to be studied and emulated. On […]
John Appleby:—your bits in their hands
Over the past few months there has been considerable debate and argument about plans by the NHS to collect and centrally collate details of individual patient records from general practice […]
Catherine Foot: Can the Care Quality Commission live up to expectations?
This week marks one year since Robert Francis published his second report into failures of care at Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust. Mid Staffs director of quality and patient experience, Julie […]
Vijaya Nath: Making revalidation work—what have we learnt so far?
Revalidation—the process by which licensed doctors demonstrate that they are up to date and fit to practise—was greeted with cynicism by some in the medical profession when it was introduced […]