Throughout the course of this pandemic, junior doctors have been able to witness good leadership principles in practice, says James Hesford […]
Junior doctors
Covid-19—the impact on our medical students will be far-reaching
We will need to develop new and enduring ways to support medical students who may be scarred by this pandemic […]
Liyang Pan: Medical education—the tyranny of guidelines and the single best answer
Simplification has a place in medical education, says Liyang Pan, but shouldn’t be at the cost of teaching students about medicine’s complexity […]
Jacob Wilson: The NHS as a monopsony
The NHS’s position as the sole employer of trainee doctors is pushing down working conditions, says Jacob Wilson […]
Emma Toman: Don’t underestimate the value of “non-training” junior doctor posts
Non training posts for junior doctors provide great benefits both for the junior doctors that choose them and the NHS, says Emma Toman […]
Dominic Arnold: Junior doctor changeovers need a steadier start
The current sink or swim approach to junior doctors starting new rotations serves neither doctors nor patients, says Dominic Arnold […]
Faye Gishen: Suicide among medical students
We have a duty of care to our future doctors to discuss and address this complex issue, says Faye Gishen […]
Salil Patel: The paradox of doctors dealing with death
The public need to be better informed about death, but doctors need to be prepared too, says Salil Patel […]
Why is staffing still a problem in the NHS? Lack of flexibility may be the answer
If the NHS wants to retain its staff, it needs to adapt to their needs as individuals, say Dena El-Sawy, Emma Cox, Lord Archibald Kirkwood, and Johann Malawana […]
Clare Gerada: In memoriam—doctors who have died by suicide or accidental death
They came from across the country, ranging in age from 10 months (a baby nephew) to their mid-70s. Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, wives, and husbands—around 20 individuals in total. Their […]