The state of play on relative energy deficiency in sport (REDs)

Long-term low energy availability leads to adaptive changes throughout the body resulting in the clinical outcomes of REDs This blog is in light of recently published updated International Olympic Committee (IOC) consensus statement on Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs) in BJSM. What’s in a name change? Making “s” lower case is helpful as relative energy deficiency […]

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A Bad Situation Made Worse: Low Carbohydrate Intake Amplifies Low Energy Availability Hormonal Disturbances

Hypothetical Model for REDs Endocrine Disruptions Introduction Persistent or severe low energy availability (what is termed ‘problematic’ LEA) places an athlete at risk for the development of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports (REDs) which compromises both their health and performance capacity (1). Studies indicate LEA/REDs are associated with hormonal disturbances in male and female athletes […]

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