Is it scientifically valid, sensible, or safe to use biomarkers to diagnose concussion?

Media and public perception versus clinical use of salivary biomarkers  Keywords: Concussion, biomarkers, injury management.  Introduction: The identification and management of concussion in contact sport remains a critical issue for players, employers, and wider stakeholders. Sports participation should be encouraged, with the well-known myriad of health and social benefits deriving from physical exercise and […]

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Pelvic floor screening in sport and exercise: what are women’s preferences?

Authors: Jodie G. Dakic, Jean Hay-Smith, Kuan-Yin Lin Jill Cook, Helena C. Frawley This blog provides an overview of a recent BJSM study.   Why is this study important? One in three women across all sports experience pelvic floor symptoms such as leaking urine (1). Up to 80% of female athletes participating in high-impact or […]

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Designing resistance training programs for healthy adults

Authors: Brad S Currier, Jonathan C Mcleod, Stuart M Phillips This blog summarizes a recent publication in BJSM. Why is this study important, and what did we do? The strength and size of muscles are critical for physical function, metabolic health, and healthy aging. Resistance training (a.k.a. strength training or weightlifting) is the most effective […]

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Fatigue Recovery and Connected Factors Following Paediatric Concussion

Authors: Fabian Fabiano and Vicki Anderson This blog provides a summary of a recent study published in BJSM, which investigated post-concussion fatigue during the first 3 months following injury and explored the factors associated with persisting fatigue [1]. Why is this study important? Fatigue is among the most common and debilitating persisting symptoms following paediatric […]

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Can we predict who will respond positively to a physical activity intervention? A tool to enable personalisation of interventions

Authors Alex V Rowlands and Tom Yates It can be challenging to increase physical activity, particularly in people living with chronic disease. Our recent study aimed to develop methods that can enhance intervention efficacy by enabling better personalisation and targeting of interventions. Why is this study important? When people’s free-living physical activity is already placing them under […]

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Steady and Straight: UK consensus statement on physical activity and exercise for osteoporosis.

Osteoporotic fractures may affect one woman in two and one man in five, potentially causing pain, disability, loss of independence and increased mortality. Exercise may benefit risk of osteoporotic fracture by increasing muscle and bone strength and reducing falls risk. However, many health professionals are unsure of what exercise to recommend and concerned about potential […]

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Update: Sport Medicine Diagnostic Coding System Version 2.5

An important update for the sport medicine community In March of 2020, a new consensus version of the Sport Medicine Diagnostic Coding System (SMDCS) version 2 was published, along with supplementary material, at . The Orchard Sorts Injury and Illness Classification System (OSIICS) was also published, and has since been updated here: The SMDCS has now […]

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The error of easy running in terms of stroke volume response to exercise, or why Peter Coe was right

Author: Sergey Roussakow, MD, PhD (0000-0002-2548-895X) This blog reconsiders the traditional point of view about the training effect and physiological mechanisms of easy running and low heart rate training. The Miracle of Long Slow Distance If you ask a novice runner what the benefits of long slow distance running (LSD) (also known as low-heart rate […]

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Resistance exercise for tendinopathy: How heavy, how much and how often?

Keywords:  tendinopathy, exercise therapy, resistance exercise dose In this blog post we will summarise our recent study addressing what dose of resistance exercise is best for treating tendinopathy. This study was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) as part of a large literature-based project on exercise therapy for the treatment of tendinopathy. […]

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